Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gordon Seyffert info on the Shroyer family


This is for Deb, but relates to Kevin's family. I'm the tall, bearded guy who spoke about the Shroyer family history at the July 4th Reunion.

My wife Marsha lately has been visiting our three children in California, but since she's returned she has been talking to her sister Christine. So, through the grapevine, I heard that Cousin Duane had written something about the reunion. Turning to Google, I found that it was reproduced on your blog -- of which I had not been aware until now. I don't have a blog, or even a web page, but I certainly recognize their value in disseminating family history information. So I had to write to you!!

As I wandered through your various postings, I realized that there isn't much there (yet) about the Shroyer family. As you may recall from my remarks, we have a pretty good idea of where they came from over a 300-year span. So I'm writing to share with you what I think I know, at least as pertains to the first 200 years (up until a century ago). You have my permission to use this however you choose, although I realize I'm sending more detail than you could ever use.

What follows is a detailed chronology of the family, and then a pedigree chart (as revised) with which to make some sense of it all. I say "revised" because I've been confused as to which immigrant son our branch descended from; at first I thought it was Hans Georg, the eldest, but after receiving some criticism from other genealogists I've revised it to be the youngest son of Christian. You'll see this from the pedigree chart which I'm also sending. All of which means that this isn't a proven lineage, but rather my best information. And the "chronology" retains some focus on Hans Georg from the first draft.

My concern is that, in time, this work could get lost if I don't make an effort to spread it around to those who might appreciate it. And while I know it's hard to relate to ancestors one has never encountered before, I've tried to make a connection to the land(s) the Shroyers farmed over these many years. Which is why I've included specific map-related descriptions. Without too much trouble, one can trace the Shroyer migration over the decades from the Port of Philadelphia (their most-likely point of departure) to Mercer County in 1876. I like to think I've also created here a pedigree for 300 years of Shroyer farms and homes, as well as Shroyer ancestors.…

So here is the "chronology," and then the pedigree chart.

Best wishes,

Gordon Seyffert
son-in-law of the late Wesley Shroyer
Kansas City, MO

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