Saturday, February 4, 2012

old letters

aunt minerva has laminated these. my dear mother took the time to do some transcribing for me! she knows me too well! so, here goes...
not exactly sure who is asking the questions here...since the stationary is printed with Mrs. Victor C. Beal, guessing she is asking the questions....who is answering? when I get if figured out...will do in Q & A format...
there is a letter to Victor-Lois signed from Mary...

Mrs Victor C Beal
619 N. State
Stanton, Mich. 48888

Q. What do you know about the Maxwell early families?
A. not a thing. Edna said she read some of the Whitt record, it said one of the Whitt boys went up in the (Virginia is crossed out) hills to hunt, he didn't come back for a long time, when he come home, he brought an Indian wife-2 children home with him.
Edna said she was trying to find out more, she passed away soon after Maybe you know Zelda Whitt, I would not know where she is, I believe Roburta told me how much land he homesteaded, and I will write Mildred see if I can find out where Grandfather first settled in Mo. But I believe it was in adjoining co. to Harrison Co.

Q. Do you know of any book that has been published about either family?
A. No

Q. What Indian tribe did our ancestor belong to?
A. Cherokee-Whitt Grandma's side

Q. Could this relationship be proven in any way?
A. If the Whitt family record is found
if we had the Whitt family record

Q. Where did this marriage take place
A. Virginia

Q. Who were the people?
A. Man Whitt? woman don't know
Edna said one of Noey Whitt girls had the family record (I believe Zelda was her name). Edna said she would write it off if Gillie had lived till she could have gone back.

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