Saturday, August 14, 2010

2003 North Carolina/Virgina Axsom Reunion

The annual Axsom reunion was held October 19 2003 at the Cascade Community Center in Cascade, Virginia. approximately 75 family members & guests.
family member traveling the farthest to attend was Doris Chilton Arnold. she had not attended the reunion in many years because her husband was in the military & they were usually stationed in distant places. She is the daughter of the late James Chilton & Bessie Axsom Chilton. She & Doug currently reside in Shalimar, Florida.
Cathy Axsom Spangler displayed her collection of Axsom photographs old & new. She is an excellent photographer & takes pictures at reunions and other gatherings.
After a delicious covered dish meal, a country music band provided entertainment. Eugene "Gene" Axsom stole the show. Gene lives near the Community Center & had been taking dancing lessons there. The ladies were waiting in line to dance with him.
It was an enjoyable afternoon for all. Thanks to Gene & Faye Axsom for making the arrangements at the Community Center. And to Cathy Axsom Spangler for mailing postcard invitations.

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