newspaper clipping amanda shafer scrapbook
Somewhere back of the sunset where loveliness never dies,
She lives in a land of glory with the blue and gold of the skies
And we, who have known and loved her, whose passing has brought sad tears,
Will cherish her memory always to brighten the drifting years.
Eliza Josephine Craig, daughter of Charles and America Craig, was born May 13 1879 and passed away April 30 1944 at the home of her daughter Flossie in Des Moines,Iowa.
She was married to James Zimmerman August 19 1899. Four children came to bless this happy home. Her husband and one daughter preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her passing three children, Mrs Dan Monroe of Kellog,Iowa, Flossie of Des Moines, Iowa, and Craig of Marshalltown, Iowa; three grandchildren Barbara Jean Monroe, Sallie and Carolyn Sue Zimmerman. Three sisrters, Mrs Cora Zimmerman and Mrs Jessie Rowan of Cainsville, and Mrs Nora Morley of Blythedale and a host of other relatives and friends.
She was converted in Assembly of God revival held near her home in 1912 and since has lived a Christian life, always desiring to preach the Gospel.
The funeral was conducted in the Methodist church by Rev. Henry Robertson of Garden Grove, Ia assited by Rev Roy Donaldson of Lineville, Ia and Rev Paul Hill of Cainsville. Rev Robertson read a portion of John 14, and for his text Mark 14-8 "she hath done what she could."
Truly she loved her church and was willing and ready to help in every way she could, and after sickness made it impossible for her to attend church, or get well, she cast anchor and just waited for the summons to come home where an abundant entrance awaited her.
Mrs Clara DeGraw, Mrs Paul Hill, Florence Stoner, and Louise Peshek sang "What A Friend", "Rock Of Ages", and "Face to Face", with Mrs Robert Hamilton presiding at the piano.
Pallbearers were Carl Johnson, Harold Booth, Vincil Cummings, Marshall Zimmerman, Bobbie D George and Darrell Little.
Remains were laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery, with EJ Stoklasa, funeral director in charge.
Card of Thanks
We thank most deeply all the friends who assisted us during the illness of our loved one, and in our bereavement; especially for the beautiful floral tributes, and the many kindnesses shown us, and help extended; and for use of the Methodist church for services; we gratefully appreciate it all.
Mrs Dan Monroe, Flossie Zimmerman, Craig Zimmerman
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