newspaper clipping amanda shafer scrapbook
Miss Jean Flanagan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Delbert Flanagan of Pleasanton, Ia. and Richard Frisbie, son of Mr and Mrs Floyd Frisbie of Cainsville Mo were married at 8:00p.m. October 3 by the Rev. Robert Newberg at the Pleasanton Methodist Church.
Mrs Wayne Hutchcroft of Lamoni, Ia was organist and accompanied Gordon Myers who sang "Because."
The bride, given in marriage by her father wore a street length white suit dress. She carried a white Bible and wore a corsage of red roses. Mrs Bobbie G Baker of Kansas City was her sister's matron of honor. She wore a beige street length suit dress and a corsage of red sweet peas. Junior Frisbie, brother of the bride, was the best man.
A reception was held for the 18 persons present. Following the ceremony The wedding cake was 3 tiered, with red roses as decoration topped by a white lace background miniature bride and groom.
The groom is employed by Hickman's Feed Store and Elevator in Cainsville, Mo. the couple is at home 3 miles north of Cainsville.
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