Wednesday, November 10, 2010


newspaper clipping amanda shafer scrapbook

Evening services in Holy Trinity Episcopal Church united in marriage Rebecca Lee Bowles and Gary Wayne Berger.
Some 150 guests attended the nupital rites with Father Hal Ashbrook officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Bowles of Alhambra. The groom's parents are MR and Mrs O.J. Berger of Monterey Park.
Following a honeymoon trip to the northern California coast, the couple will set up residence in Alhambra. The groom, an Airman 3rd Class, is stationed at Edwards Air Force Base. The new Mrs Berger is employed by the Utica Insurance Co. Both are graduates of Mark Keppel High School.
The bride was given in marriage by H.R. Sawtelle, her godfather.
She wore a full length sheath of white silk peau de sole adorned with seed pearls, detachable train and silk illusion veil held in place by a tiny pill box of fabric of dress. The gown was designed by the bride's great grandmother, Mrs Clyaton C Holderman of Alhambra.
Melaine Jones attended as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Melinda Bowles, sister of the bride, and Sandra Cipriani. Robin Froman, cousin of the bride, served as flowergirl.
William Fromm acted as best man, Ushers were Lloyd Le Blank and Ted Dichout.
Following the ceremony, a reception was given at the home of the bride's godparents,Mr and Mrs H.R. Sawtelle, 2065 Carolwood Dr. The hostess was assisted by Mmes. W.B Palmer and L.R. Holdeman.

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