Friday, March 25, 2011

Professor TJ Bryants School of Book-keeping and Penmanship

decided to see if anything (besides my most recent blog post!) would pop up on google....

Indianopolis City Directory 1858-9 Index lists:
Bryant's Commercial College 32
Ramsey's block corner Illinois and Maryland

Bryant Thomas J principal Bryant's Commercial College
"The facilities for acquiring a thorough business education at this School have been increased until now unsurpassed. The room is one of the largest and best ventilated in the west, and in addition to the teachers formerly connected with the School, we expect to secure the services of a gentleman who has had over twenty years' experience as a merchant and active business man.
The regular lecturers hereafter will be Dr R.T. Brown, Geo. K. Perrin, Esq., John Coburn, Esq., and the Principal, each of whom are well known.
The large number graduating at this school the past year has far surpassed every expectation, while nine-tenths of them are in good business, and fully establishes the assertion that it is not only the cheapest, but the most thorough School in the west.
Each pupil, on bearing satisfactory examination, will receive a Diploma that is acknowledged to surpass any in the Union. The original design of which (may be seen at all times at our room) cost us months of labor.
The course of studies embraces not only Book-Keeping, but all the connecting branches, such as Penmanship, Mercantile Arithmetic, Mercantile Correspondence, detecting counterfeit Money, & c., with daily lectures on Merchantile Law, and such subjects as are essential to every man.
Terms for complete course, with right of reviewing at pleasure, $25 00.
T. J. Bryant, Principal
Vacation from July First to September First.

The undersigned being personally acquainted with Prof. T. J. Bryant, and his general character as a Teacher and Penman, feel satisfied that he thoroughly understands his business, and will accomplish all he promises; and we cheerfully recommend his Institute to all who wish the aid of an experienced teacher, or to acquire a complete business education.
Ashbel P. Willard, Governor.
A.A. Hammond, Lt. Governor.
Daniel McClure, Sec'y of State.
John W. Dodd, Auditor of State.
Aquilla Jones, Treasurer of State.
Wm. B. Beach, Clerk Supreme Court.
Gordon Tanner, Rep. Supreme Ct.
S.D. Lyon State Librarian

N.B. any scholar who has completed his course with me, and has not received all I ever promised, will have his money refunded on showing that the fault is mine.

wow! what a find! I sometimes forget that I have access to the whole world right here in my livingroom....

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