Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rodrick Craig cont.

this info was sent to me by my aunt Mary Johnson.

The settlement of this county (HENRY) began in the year 1819, prior to this time all the territory of this county was in possession of the Indians; but in 1818 the United States Government negoitated a treaty with the Indians, purchased their lands and made this county, along with other portions of Central Indiana. Some of the first settlers of the county put their name down in the order in which they came into the county:
Andrew Shannon, George Hobson, Asel Woodard, Allen Shepard, Wm. Hannon, Benjamin Harvey, George and Charles See, Moses Keens, Josiah Morris, J.R. Leakey, Daniel Paul, Jonathan Bundy, Daniel Jackson, Thomas Greenstreet, Samuel Carr, Allen Hunt, A. Heaton, John Huff, W.M. Carey, Jacob Woods, RODERICK CRAIG, Wm. Owen, John Hart, Demsey Reece, and others.
1822 he settled on government land grants in what is known today as the State of Indiana, Henry County, Harrison Township.
Roderick Craig is buried in an unmarked cemetery between Cadiz and Markleville, Indiana, in a small barn yard-west of county road 775 west along state road 38. Only four stones in the cemetery. His tombstone reads 1740-1844, but some say the dates are wrong and it should be 1750-1854. Source: Carolyn Craig.

More about Rodrick Craig:
Alt Spelling of Name: ROHERICK, RODERICK
Military: Revoluntionary War Pension File #R.2428
Move 1: 1780 to Randolph County, NC near Ashford or Ashville.
Move 2: 1804 To Ohio
Move 3: 1820 to Henry County Indiana
Notes for Rebecca F. Unknown:
Supposedly was a full blooded Cherokee or Delaware Indian according to family stories
Burial: Unknown, Reynolds Cemetery, Cadiz, Henry County, Indiana.


1 comment:

Heather Anderson said...

Hi, I just came across your blog. I'm descended from Rodrick and Rebecca Craig through my GGG-grandmother Mary Jane Craig Robertson. I've heard my whole life I had a grandmother who was a Delaware Indian. In my genealogy research, I never could find who that was. I'm so happy I found this.