Thursday, December 15, 2011

comment on my blog

Michael W. Pederson said...
I guess we are related. I was just at the Cat Creek Cemetery with Minerva (Maxwell) Brown. My name is Mike Pederson. My mother is Lorene (Utterback) Pederson. Her Mother is Emily or Emma (Maxwell) Utterback. Her father was James C Maxwell married to Minerva Cresswell. We are distant cousins it seems. Just whoa are you?

I am Mike Pederson. Drop a line at this location or to:

I have a lot of information.

Recently, about the story of an Indian in our family, I believe I discovered it is true. The beginning started with an Indian chief named Chief Cornstalk who married and had children with an unknown Cherokee woman. Their daughter was Rachel Skaags (White name) She was taken after a raid on an indian group assisting the british and reeived the last name of the leader of the expedition. Intersting story. Appeared to be from a reliable source from another family tree.

Anyway drop a line and let me know who you are. I will be back to visit Minerva later this year. My daughter just got married and lives in St louis for now. She attended Stephens College and is now a Missourian.


Mike Pederson

July 26, 2010 9:14 PM
(I should have comments emailed to me...I just found this one by accident!)

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