aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster
Any of his descendants is eligible to membership in any of the patriotic societies growing out of that war. It will be noted that descendants of my wife and myself are eligible to membership in societies growing out of the American Revolution, because of the military services of both their Bryant and Foster ancestors.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions,
Washington, D.C.
February 8, 1916
Mr. W.T. Foster
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir:
In response to your letter dated 24th ultimo you are advised that the papers in claim File No. 8390, Rev. War, show that John Bryant was allowed pension on his application executed August 20, 1832, at which time he was a resident of Garrard county, Kentucky.
He stated that he was born, Jan. 1, 1760, in Cumberland county, Virginia and resided in Powhatten county, Virginia when he entered the Virginia troops; volunteered in May 1780, under Captain Robert Hughes and served three months; enlisted in February 1781, Captain not stated, under Colonel Beverly Randolph, engaged in the battle of Guilford, served six months; enlisted in Summer of 1781 and served as Orderly Sergeant in Captain Isaac Porter's co. uner Col. Robert Goode, six mo.
Soldier married in Lincoln county, Kentucky, May 25, 1783, Mary Owsley. He died July 4, 1833, and she was allowed pension on her application executed May 18, 1840, at which time she was a resident of Garrard county, Kentucky and seventy years of age. The only child referred to is William O Bryant who was alive in 1840.
Very Respectfully,
(signed) G.M Saltzgaber
The above is a true copy of the official document now in my possession.
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