aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster, cont.
Genealogy of our Race and Family
1.-The Race of Adam
2.-The Aryan Race
3.-The Edemic Race.
4.-The Wends
5.-The Danes
6. Anacher, the Danish Noble, Governor of Flanders and Great Forrester of France.
7. Baldwin I, Great Forrester and Governor of Flanders, married Princess Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, King of Quitenia and Neustria. Later these constituted the Kingdom of France.
8. Baldwin II, Great Forrester, and Governor of Flanders,married Princess Alfrith, daughter of Alfred the Great, King of England.
9. Arnulf, Governor of Flanders, namesake of the Bishop of Metz, did not hold the titles of Great Forrester and Baldwin.
10, Baldwin III, Great Forrester and Governor of Flanders. He was called "Of the Handsome Beard", married daughter of the Count of Luxumburg.
11. Baldwin IV, Great Forrester and Governor of Flanders. His oldest son, BAldwin V was not our ancestor.
12. Sir Richard Forester. His father, Baldwin IV, was the commanding general of the Norman-French under William the Conquerer.
13. Sir Hugo Forster, governor of Etherstone castle. Was general of the English armies, defeated the Normans in 1101, killed their king and freed Englanad from their invasions. He died in 1121.
14. Sir Reginald Forster, Governor of Etherstone, knighted by King Stephen for his generalship at battle of the Standard fought August 22 1138. died 1156.
15. Sir Hugo Forrester, Governor of Etherstone and Chief of the Royal forests of England. In 1152 he witnessed a deed in Northumberland. His coat of arms was a shield and three bugles.
16. Sir William Forster, Governor of Etherstone, general in command of armies that conquered the rebellions in Wales 1163 and 1165 and was the general sent to France, 1166, to assist King Henry II in putting down the rebellion in Brittany, France. Later was general in King Henry's armies in the war with Louis VII. He then returned to England and died at Etherstone castle 1176. I have good reason for believing the Terrys and Selbys were with this general in those French wars.
17. Sir John Forster, General in the Crusades. His great braveru amd generalship saved the almost destroyed crusade armies and rescued the King of England from imminent death at the battle of Acre, in Palestine 1191. For this and many other deeds of valor he was knighted by the order of King Richard, was made Governor of Bamborough castle, granted the chevron, which was the highest of honors and after his death the government of England erected a splendid monument to his memory at Hamborough
18. Sir Randolph Forster, Governor of Bamborough was general in the armies that aided King Henry III of France 1225, died 1256. I have reasons for believing that the Terrys and Selbys were with him in that war also.
19. Sir Alfred Forster, Governor of Bamborough was general under Prince Edward of England at the battle of Eversham August 4 1265 and was knighted on the battlefield. Died 1284.
20. Sir Reginald Forster, Governor of Bamborough, general at Bannockburn 1314. The Pierce genealogy says:-"His descendants were great chieftains, many being knighted. He was closely allied with the Royalty of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England. Sixty-one of his family held the offices of Mayor or Sheriff of Galway, Ireland. Captain Blake Forster was the head of that branch of the family in Galway county in 1866." The song "Mother Machree" which says:-"There is not a collene sweeter where the river Shannon flows," has reference to Galway county, west coast of Ireland where Francis Blake Forster settled.
21. Sir Richard Forster, Governor of Bamborough, general in the war of Crioy, August 25, 1346, at Poitiers, September 19, 1356, and was knighted for his valor. Died 1371.
22. Sir William Forster, Governor of Bamborough, general in the war under King Henry V of England against the French and was knighted by Henry.
23. Sir Thomas Forster, Governor of Bamborough, married Joan Elwerden, heiress to the Earldom of Angus of Scotland. He was born 1397.
24. Sir Thomas Forster, Governor of Bamborough was knighted for deeds of great merit, married daughter of the Featherstone Chief of the Saxons. Featherstone was a military fort. When England was conquered by William the Conqueror, 1066, he gave that fort, to Baldwin IV who was succeeded by Sir Richard Forster. The fort was changed to a castle and its name to Etherstone.
25. Sir Thomas Forster, Governor of Bamborough, married Lady Hilton of Hilton castle.
26. Sir Thomas Forster, Governor of Bamborough, High Sheriff of Northumberland 1564, married Lady Ogle of Bothall castle in 1572.
27. Sir Thomas Forster, Governor of Bamborough, knight of Etherstone, married Lady Feronia Wharton, was High Sheriff of Northumberland. Will dated April 4 1589.
28. Cuthbert Forster, married Elizabeth Bradford. Will dated 1589.
29. Thomas Forster of Brunton, married Elizabeth Carr, daughter of William Carr of England. Will of this Thomas was dated June 19 1648.
30. John Forster emigrated to Scotland about 1640. Number 27 was the last of ancestors who was Governor of Bamborough.
31. John Foster emigrated to Londonderry county, Ulster, Ireland about 1680.
32. Alexander came for Londonderry county,Ulster, Ireland in 1728. His brothers Thomas and William came earlier. They all settled in Lancaster county Pennsylvania. Alexander had three sons, James, William, and John.
33. John foster found a home in North Carolina and served in the Revolution.
34. William Foster, our ancestor of the Revolution owned a farm in Peach Bottom, York County Pennsylvania and did not go with this father to North Carolina.
35. Thomas Foster emigrated with his father from York county Pennsylvania to Kentucky.
36.Thomas Foster was my father.
37. William Thomas Foster, Myself.
The above gives 32 ancestors covering from the time of Anacher's early manhood to that of myown, 1061 years. I send a greeting along down the Foster line of the hereafter, hoping that it may never become extinct. I have great faith in the integrity, ability, and general good qualities of the Foster's, believe they will continue to act well their parts as have those who came before them.
(Signed) W.T. Foster (typewritten signature)
1 comment:
I believe that I have very similar genealogy to W.T. Foster except my branch shoots off in a seperate direction either after Ireland or after PA. I show DNA connections to Alexander Foster and the Bamburgh Forsters. Has W.T. Foster (or a relative) done a DNA test? If so is the family on or is there a GEDCOM number?
Thank you so much for your help!
Glen Foster
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