Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Fosters Go To Ireland

aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster, cont.

The John Foster, mentioned above was great-grand-father of Alexander, Thomas, and John who came to America between 1700 and 1728, he died in Scotland and his son John died in Londonberry county, Ulster, Ireland. The scotch-irish differed greatly from the native Irish in disposition and religion. Prowell, the Pennsylvania historian, says that only the Scotch who had immigrated to Scotland from England, emigrated from Scotland to Ulster, Ireland. Lands of the rebel Irish, who had been conquered by Cromwell, had been confiscated and were given to the Scotch and English immigrants who were known in England as Ulstermen and in Ireland as Scotch-Irish. In Ireland one of the Fosters became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and another was speaker of the Irish Parliment. All Scotch-Irish were Presbyterians and each congregation had its minister. When they migrated, the whole community, including the minister, moved together. There were a few Welsh and English Presbyterians amongh the Scotch-Irish of Ulster and they did not mix with the people of other churches.

to be cont.

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