Sunday, March 11, 2012

Henry (Big Creek Marrs) MARRS

aunt minerva collection
envelope from Jean Leeper of Knoxville IA postmarked Jan 27 '97

his sister was Phyllis wynne

husband Henry (Big Creek Marrs) MARRS
born 6July1762 VA
death circa 1830 Near Old Home Place in Tazewell County, VA
father Samuel MARRS (1740-1817)
mother Francina BRADSHAW (1742-1775)
marriage 1785
wife Elizabeth MAXWELL
born circa 1767 Va. 83 in 1850 VA Census living with William
death circa 1851 from TB? living with son in 1850
father James "Great White Chief" MAXWELL Major (1745-1821)
mother Jane ROBERTS

1. John (? Son) MARRS born circa 1786
spouse WOODS
2. Sarah Ann MARRS
birth 22Apr1788 Probably Tazewell county,VA
death after 1835
spouse Moses WORKMAN
marriage 11Jul 1820 Tazewell county, VA
3, James MARRS
birth 19Apr1789 believed in Tazewell countyVA
death 24Sept1859 Harrison County MO
spouse Sarah (Sally) WORKMAN
marriage 26Dec1810 Jacobs Cove, Tazewell Co., VA
4. Jane MARRS
spouse James BROOKS
marriage 16Aug1810
5. Thomas (?son) MARRS
died of TB
6. Henry (?Son) MARRS
born circa 1791
7. Rebecca MARRS
born 23Mar1802 Tazewell County VA
death 25Mar1872 Harrison County MO
spouse John BROOKS
marriage 4June1825
8. Charlie (?Son) MARRS
9. Robert (?son) MARRS
birth circa 1796
death 1875
burial Horsepen Cemetery
spouse McCLURE
10. Maxwell MARRS
birth circa 1797
death circa 1859 Tazewell Co VA from TB
spouse Nancy Jane BROOKS
marriage 18Mar1819 Tazewell Co VA
11. Samuel MARRS
birth 1799
spouse Cynthia MAY
12.William MARRS
born Circa 1807/1810 age 43 in 1850 census of VA
spouse Sally BROOKS
marriage 26Feb1825
13. Polly MARRS
spouse Thomas MAXWELL
14. Sina MARRA

husbands notes:
Henry Marrs is the oldest son of Samuel and he stayed in Tazewell County Va when his father and Samuel and most of the rest of the family moved to KY in 1893.(deb: this date doesn't go with the rest of the dates...should it be 1793? don't know.....) I have a copy of a deed (Book 1 p40) dated 6th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one where he and his wife deeded his brother Christopher Marrs for five pounds, "...a certain parcel or tract of land lying on the north side of the clinch river containing 53 acres thirty poles being part of a tract of one hundred acres granted to Henry Marrs land patent bearing date the second day of May one thousand seven hundred-eighty seven and bounded by the followeth toward beginning at a large white oak corner to a track of land patent to William Maxwell thence N 38 W 74 poles to a black oak and two beaches N 88 W 92 poles to two backoaks, a white oak and gum saplings S 7 E 6 poles to a stake. N 85 E 174 poles to the beginning with its appenteances and every part and parcel there of to have & to hold..." (some words hard to read so written as I thought it read)
He took over the family land, and when he died in 1830, his land holding had grown to 1341 acres.
From Deed Book #5 p229 and 230 "Whereas Henry Marrs late of the County of Tazewell in the state of Virginia was in his lifetime seazed in fee simple of and in the following estate in the said County of Tazewell to wit about five hunder and seventy acres of Land lying two miles west of Tazewell Courthouse about one hundred rods lying on the head of the Clusters (?Bluestone) in the County forsaid and about fourteen or fifteen hundred acres __________ Crockett's Cove in the County aforesaid and an undivided interest in a piece of land lying on the rich Mountain in the County and the said Henry Marrs hath departed this life intestate as to the said estate in consequence where of the same has descended and passed to his nine children with Widows right of dower, and I Samuel Marrs being one of the children and heirs of said Henry Marrs Be it known to all men by these present that I the Samuel Mars of the County and State aforesaid have maid ordained authorized constituted and apointed and in my place and in my behalf to enter into recover and take possession of my part of the aforesaid land...." affixed my seal this 24th day of September in the years of Christ 1831. Samuel Marrs (his mark)"
It took awhile to link Henry to James Marrs, who married Sally Workman, but additional needed evidence is found in land records of 1838 and 1841 showing MAxwell, William and James as those receiving his land after his death. (summarized under James). We easily go back to James Marrs who married Sally Workman 26Dec1810 om Tazewell Co VA and evidence gathered by many family members lists John, Thomas, James, David W., Wesley and Samuel as James' sons.
From book "ARCHIVES OF THE PIONEERS OF TAZEWELL COUNTY VIRGINIA" taken from abstracts of Tazewell County Will Book #1 1800-1832: HENRY MARRS page 329 Appraisement 2 notes on JAMES MARRS Note on Col. Joseph Davidson. By: Samuel Witten, Jonathan Peery, Samuel Cecil January 1831.
Also from same book: HENRY MARRS page 370 5 February 1831 Sale bill Purchasers: Elizabeth Mares, John Crockett, Isaac Dailey, John Brooks, Erastes G. Harman, William K. Ustick, Maxwell Mares, Saml Witten, William Mares, A.J. Brooks, HArvey G. Peery, John Suthers, John Peery, James Cecil, Jas. Wynn, Jno. B. Gillespie, William Bronw,JAMES MARES, John Wynn, Jas. W.M. Witten, John Thompson, Alexander Harrison, Daniel C Harman, Addison Crockett, Samuel Laird, Dodridge Bailey, Thomas Cecil, Samuel Crockett, John Pruett, Geroge McKintosh, Thomas Peery, Jonathan Peery, Thomas Harison, John Litz, James Mahood, John Laird, Joseph Davidson, Sr., Jas. F. Pendleton, Adms: Maxwell MAres, William Mares, John Brooks.
Some books do not correctly connect Henry and James as I do adn from information I have gained from records searched, I believe them to be wrong. (This is understandable as we now have much more information available to search than they did.) The two books I looked at are "MARRS" by Mabel Marrs, and "MARRS AND ALLIED FAMILIES" by {4 sister}
From book "MARRS" by Mabel Marrs we find {8*}2 a Samuel whose son {9*} Henry married Elizabeth Maxwell. "MARRS" by Mable Marrs indicate that Henry's son James was born ca 1810 and that our James was the son of Samuel who was the son of Henry. That can not be true as {56*}3 Samuel was born in 1799. The book "MARRS AND ALLIED FAMILIES" bt {4 Sisters} does not have James listed as a child.
The 1830 Tazewell County VA federal census has Maxwell Marrs and James MArrs living in the same twp. and that James Marrs would had to be bornabout 1888/90 to be the father of the children listed living with him. Also in census James is ca ten years older than Maxwell. Maxwell was listed as born in 1887 in Mable Marrs book, but by census is ten years younger.
(deb: I am confused. if maxwell was in the 1830 census, how was he born in 1887 or am I just reading it wrong???)
Wish I had a listing of his children from his probate. I am not sure my list is correct, as Oliva was on that list until I removed it. Look below to see a list of living children, at the time of his death.
Note: Sept 1 1995 I received some land transactions in the mail showing a list of nine living children. Olivia was not on that list but a Polly and Sinia was that I did not have at that time. John, Thomas, Henry, Charles and Robert were not on that list of nine living heirs.
Children listed are: 1. James Marrs and his wife Sally, 2. Jane Brooks and James her hus., 3. Polly Maxwell and Thomas her hus., 4. Sina Marra, 5. Samuel Marrs, 6. Maxwell Marrs and Jane his wife, 7. Sally Workman and Moses her husband, 8. Rebecca Brooks and John her hus., 9. William Marrrs (Heirs of Henry Marrs, deceased) dated 27 March 1835
*numbers from book "MARRS" by Mabel Marrs donating a certain person in the family
# numbers used in my book

last modified 12Jan1997
Reference Note 2
page 15 of "Marrs" by Mabel Marrs
Reference Note 3
p.23 of "MARRS" by Mabel Marrs and 838.2 of "Marrs and Allied Families" by {4 Sisters}

please report corrections or additions to
Jean Leeper
1490 Circle Drive
Knoxville IA 50138-8850

1 comment:

gin said...

I just found your blog and it's a lot to catch up on! I am related to Henry Marrs and wonder if you are. Do you have any other posts about him and do you have a primary source regarding his nickname and the story of his mother's death? She was my 5th gr-grandmother and I have searched high and low for proof of the Indian attack that took her life. I have even been to Tazewell Co, VA, and believe me, you can't get there from (here). --insert any place name. lol
Ginger (Goben) Weisbarth