Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weather Prophets



the noted Italian astronomer, says that within a few years pastwonderful changes have taken place in the physical geography of Mars. The seas havechanged their beds, the continents have broken up, some of them disappeared, andgreat rivers, or arms of the seas, occupy new channels. Such would be the naturalconsequence of acquiring a moon, and this may suggest an explanation of the greatcatastrophes that are spoken of in the Bible and the legends that have come downfrom prehistoric times through all the races of men."Either the acquisition of a new planet like Mercury, or of a moon, or thestriking of the earth by a comet would cause events similar to the flood, the rising andsinking of the seas, or the great changes that mark the geological ages of the earth andthe changes of animal life that are so distinctly marked by the geological epochs of theearth."The newly acquired moons of Mars marks an epoch in the evolutions ofastronomy and is probably a catastrophe on that planet such as must have occurred onthe earth causing the great epochs of its growth which probably are identical with thesix periods of creation spoken of in our Bible Genesis."Astronomers have but little to say about these newly acquired moons of Mars,for they cannot account for them by the old theories. They see their long and beautifulastronomical dissertations falling into disrepute because they were builded on thesands of the nebular theory, and they prefer to see their rounded sentences fadesilently away to nothingness."


+ + +"PLANETARY INFLUENCES"I have one more quotation to make from that forcible writer Dr. HenryRaymond Rogers, of Dunkirk, N. Y. In a recent paper he says: 'It is a fundamentalprinciple in electrical science that every movement of one body near another disturbsand puts in motion the electric currents in both bodies. Extending the law from thelesser or terrestrial to the grander or celestial field the inference becomes legitimatethat the starry worlds whirling with inconceivable velocity in space evolve betweenthe electrical currents in great cosmical circuits; that the sun and earth revolving ontheir axes and in their orbits thus become actually vast magnets — electric machines,or batteries, through the action of which currents incessantly pass to and fro betweenthose bodies. In this manner is explained the source and mode of development of the


Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, who was author, among other texts, of Astronomy in the OldTestament 36The Fort Worth [TX] Gazette, Nov. 14, 1891, p. 8.

universal force."'The problem of the action of force at a distance, without intervention of somemedium of transmission, which has puzzled philosophers for centuries, has its fulland complete solution in the action of electricity in vacuous space. Upon thishypothesis is rationally explained how each planet in our solar system may haveidentically the same relations with the sun and her sunheat, sunlight, chemical actionand gravity are developed and act precisely the same at Neptune, nearly three billionsof miles from the sun as at the earth, the former being thiry-three times farther fromthe sun than the latter."'A mighty cosmical essence, or spirit or soul pervades, all worlds, all life, allforce. This subtle, invisible entity animates and controls the whole universe of matterregardless of time, space or distance. Mind as well as matter is its realm and herein wehave a glimpse of that grand unity which science has ever sought but neverdiscovered."'Science assets that gravity acts instantaneously throughout the universe. If itsforce was obstructed in interstellar space its operation would be impracticable. Itannihilates space and distance. So does electricity and in view of this fact may not thegravitative force be purely electrical?"'Faraday, the greatest philosopher in this field who every lived, continued forthirty years to assert his conviction that such was the case. Newton held to the sametheory. The latter taught that the ultimate particulars of matter are endowed withinherent forces or powers of attraction and repulsion. He thus recognized in gravitythe operation of a dual principle which exists in no other force than electricity."'That the great gravitative force is electrical is fully demonstrable. It is afundamental law of electrical action that all bodies susceptible to electrical excitationbecome centers of attraction through the operation of the electrical circuit. A body ofsoft iron is thus made magnetic and retains its power of attraction during itscontinuance in the circuit. So the sun and earth being constituents in our greatterrasolar circuit, they and all things they contain become vitalized with the powerwhich we call gravitation."'The sun and earth become vast magnets having magnetic axes and poles andare held in their relative positions through the action of their polarities. Gravity istherefore a purely electrical phenomenon explainable only upon the hypotheses of theuninterrupted action of electricity in vacuous space.'"



The Grank Forks [ND] Herald, Dec. 13, 1891, p. 1. A few years earlier, in 1886, Rogers had publisheda paper entitled "A New Philosophy of the Sun," in which he expounds upon the same ideas
universal force."'The problem of the action of force at a distance, without intervention of somemedium of transmission, which has puzzled philosophers for centuries, has its fulland complete solution in the action of electricity in vacuous space. Upon thishypothesis is rationally explained how each planet in our solar system may haveidentically the same relations with the sun and her sunheat, sunlight, chemical actionand gravity are developed and act precisely the same at Neptune, nearly three billionsof miles from the sun as at the earth, the former being thiry-three times farther fromthe sun than the latter."'A mighty cosmical essence, or spirit or soul pervades, all worlds, all life, allforce. This subtle, invisible entity animates and controls the whole universe of matterregardless of time, space or distance. Mind as well as matter is its realm and herein wehave a glimpse of that grand unity which science has ever sought but neverdiscovered."'Science assets that gravity acts instantaneously throughout the universe. If itsforce was obstructed in interstellar space its operation would be impracticable. Itannihilates space and distance. So does electricity and in view of this fact may not thegravitative force be purely electrical?"'Faraday, the greatest philosopher in this field who every lived, continued forthirty years to assert his conviction that such was the case. Newton held to the sametheory. The latter taught that the ultimate particulars of matter are endowed withinherent forces or powers of attraction and repulsion. He thus recognized in gravitythe operation of a dual principle which exists in no other force than electricity."'That the great gravitative force is electrical is fully demonstrable. It is afundamental law of electrical action that all bodies susceptible to electrical excitationbecome centers of attraction through the operation of the electrical circuit. A body ofsoft iron is thus made magnetic and retains its power of attraction during its continuance in the circuit. So the sun and earth being constituents in our great terrasolar circuit, they and all things they contain become vitalized with the powerwhich we call gravitation."'The sun and earth become vast magnets having magnetic axes and poles and are held in their relative positions through the action of their polarities. Gravity is therefore a purely electrical phenomenon explainable only upon the hypotheses of the uninterrupted action of electricity in vacuous space.'"



The Grank Forks [ND] Herald, Dec. 13, 1891, p. 1. A few years earlier, in 1886, Rogers had publisheda paper entitled "A New Philosophy of the Sun," in which he expounds upon the same ideas


, Smith


, Cather


and others are not weather prophets but meteorologists,entitled to the prefix 'Professor,' because they are teaching a branch of learning, thisbeing one of the definitions given by Webster."The two appellations, 'Prophet' and 'Professor' do not belong together. No oneever heard of a prophet being called 'Professor.' But the term 'weather prophet'appears to have come to stay and therefore we may accept it under protest. I want totalk about weather prophets."Professor Tice of St. Louis, was the original discoverer of that upon whichelectrical meteorology is founded. He combated the heat theory of force and declaredthat electricity is the motive power of the universe. He discovered the periods of fourprinciple storm waves and attributed their cause to an inner mercurial planet calledVulcan. He was right as to the principle storm wave periods but his theory aboutVulcan is a very doubtful one."Professor Tice in his new system of meteorology gave to each planet fourpoints in its revolution around the sun at which it caused general electricaldisturbances throughout the solar system. In this he was mistaken as to all the planetsexcept Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth. He was certainly in error as to Mars,Venus, Mercury and perhaps Vulcan. He also believed that the four points around thesun called heliocentric longitude 80, 170, 260 and 350 were fixed disturbing points forall the planets and this was a very serious error because this is not in accord withastronomical events."The effects of the moon on our weather was entirely unknown to ProfessorTice. He seems never to have applied his theory of planetary influences to the moon,perhaps because that orb rotates so slowly on its axis always keeping the same side tothe earth. He made no effort in his general forecasts to locate the storm centers butgave the dates on which he supposed the planetary equinoxes would affect theweather of the whole earth."Professor Tice discovered the relations of the transitory high barometer to eachother and to the weather, and the United States weather bureau appropriated his


Charles H. Lillingston, the son-in-law and partner of Tice, according to a list of "Weather Almanacsand Predictions" found in Notes and Queries and Historic Magazine, February 1900, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, p. 60 He is the author of the article "John H.Tice and the Science of Weather Forecasting," found herein in Appendix II. In Appendix III, Lillingstondiscusses his own work in another article from his pen.


Walter H. Smith, "who has the reputation of being the best and most trustworthy weather prophet inCanada" Manawatu Herald of Foxton, New Zealand, March 5, 1892, Page 2. .42George K. Cather (the original, above, has been corrected from "Carther").
discovery without giving him credit for it."Of all the meteorologists now dead Professor Tice deserves to be recognized asthe greatest, for he pointed out the establishment of the only true system ofmeteorology."Professor Mansill of Rock Island Ill., was the first, perhaps, to lay down asystem of meteorology based on planetary influences, and while there is much truth inhis system he only deals with the minor and less important influences of gravity ormagnetism affected by conjunctions, perihelions and perigees as being the cause ofour greatest electrical disturbances but does not recognize the influences of equinoxes.This clearly shows the difference between the Mansill and Tice systems. They wereeach based upon the two distinct electrical theories, the principal idea of one being theequinoxes and the other conjunctions."Prof. Blake, of Topeka, Kansas, is uncommunicative as to his theories, but along and careful study of his writings has revealed the basis of his calculations. Hedoes not wait for conjunctions or equinoxes, but calculates the influence of the sun,moon and planets on the electric currents, the waters and the atmosphere of the earthat all times. He believes that every particle of matter and every heavenly body isimpelled toward every other with an equal force at all times varied only by distanceand mass. He takes no account of conjunctions except the doubled influence of two ormore bodies when situated near each other, and thus increasing their attraction ofgravitation or the repulsive power of the surrounding elements as he would call it. Hedoes not believe in attraction, but declares that gravitation is repulsion."Prof. Cather of Ashville, Alabama, based his calculations on the effects of themoon. He claimed that the weather is similar every twenty-eight days basing the ideaon the distance of the moon north or south of the earth's equator. He claimed that asthe moon reaches the same latitude, going north or south, it will have the same effecton the weather that it had twenty-eight days before, when it was at the same latitudeand going in the same direction. He made allowance for the seasons, but gave noinfluence to the planets."These are the four systems of meteorology. Smith of Canada, follows Mansilland also includes the conduct of animals and recurring periods of weather changes astaught by Vennor.


Prof. Hicks of St. Louis, follows Prof. Tice and has not improved


Henry G. Vennor of Montreal, Canada. Of his method he said: "In brief, the basis of my work is theresult of observation and the comparison of cause with cause, effect with effect, season with season. It is amere matter of relationships. ... I discovered one fact, and proving it to be a fact beyond question or dispute, Ihave builded upon it — and built safely, I think. What was that discovery? Just this: that seasons and yearsrecur in couplets and triads. Rules applicable to the first season or year of a couplet are equally applicable tothe second season or year of that couplet, and precisely so in the triads. Such is the main superstructure of
his old methods. Hicks also uses the Herschell theory of the effect of moon changeson the weather.


Prof. Lillingston follows Tice."I have carefully studied all these theories, have tested them by the records ofthe Washington weather bureau, and find some truth in each of the four systems. Ihave taken those parts of Professors Tice, Mansill, Blake and Cather's systems thatstand the tests of the records and with what I have been able to discover, have formedthe electric system of meteorology. I include nothing in this system that is not inharmony with the laws of electricity and magnetism, nothing that will not bearinvestigation in the light of the weather records of this and all other countries."


+ + +"ELECTRO-METEOROLOGY."I am not able yet to avoid errors in my weather forecasts. But I very seldom erras to the dates on which the storm centers and cool waves cross the continent. Mymistakes are confined principally to the force and latitude of these disturbances. Evenin these particulars a very large percent of the forecasts are verified."I have no disposition to evade the responsibility of my mistakes, but ratherprefer to frankly state wherein the principal difficulties lie. The responsibilities ofthese mistakes must rest upon myself and not on the system, for if the system ofelectro-meteorology was thoroughly understood, there would be no errors in weatherforecasts. The fault lies with man and not with the laws of nature."As I have repeatedly stated, there are four storm waves passing around theearth from west to east between 30 and 60 degrees of north latitude, making 45degrees of north latitude an average center of their paths around the earth."The average distance of these storm waves apart — from west to east — isabout 3500 miles. The high barometer — that which gives us the cool wave andclearing weather — follows about 1750 miles behind the low barometer, and these

my work. But I soon found that the system was not bound down to a mere generality, embracing only aseason or year in its entirety. Experiment evidenced that the same calculations could be made for a month,and that, too, with an exactness that at first appeared to be surprising. And I pursued my work still furtheruntil now I do not hesitate to bring my calculations to within a week. Yes, I have been able to designateparticular days. That is usually my rule in the text of my predictions. But the public should understand that,except in special cases, I never risk everything upon any single 24 hours. I have not yet reached that point inmy system, although there is no telling what will be accomplished in the near future." The New York Times,Aug. 25, 1881. A copy of Vennor's Almanac and Weather Record for 1878-9 is online at .44Appendix IV herein presents the "Herschel" table via Bible commentator Adam Clarke.45Grand Forks [ND] Herald, Dec. 31, 1891, p. 8.
high and low barometers are strung around the earth like a string of beads, and allmoving eastward."We have made a success in finding the dates on which these high or lowbarometers, or storm waves, will pass any given meridian of longitude. That part ofthe system is a decided success."It makes a very great difference in the weather as to whether a storm centerpasses south or north of a locality, and in locating the latitude of a storm centermistakes are sometimes made. The storm wave may be exactly on time as predicted,but if it goes by on the south, cold weather will follow, while if it goes by on the north,warm weather will follow. A few errors are unavoidable at this time in locating thelatitude of the storm waves."The most difficult matter to calculate is the force of the storm. This is veryimportant, for the force of the storm has much to do with the character of the weather."The electrical influences of the sun, moon and planets affect every part of theearth at the same moment, but these influences will manifest themselves in one or allof the four storm waves that are moving around the earth at about 3500 miles apart.The difficulty lies in determining which of these four storm waves will be mostaffected, and herein is where most of my errors occur."It is not difficult to understand that the planetary influences are conveyed tothe storm centers through the earth's electric currents, and if we fully understand thelaws that govern the magnetic forces of the solar system, we would make no mistakesin forecasting the location and force of the storm centers and their influences on theweather."In the latter part of January, I had calculated the electrical influences wouldlargely increase the force of the storms due to cross the continent from the 25th to the29th of January. The result, however, was that the storm wave preceding it receivedalmost the full force of the electrical influences, causing a great storm in WesternEurope at the time we expected a great storm here."An intelligent investigation will satisfy any reasonable mind that we are verynear to one of the greatest discoveries of modern times. We know the dates on whichthe storm waves will cross the continent, we know, approximately, how to calculatethe latitude of these storm waves, we know the dates on which these storm waves willhave greatest and least force, and the greatest difficulty yet to surmount is to knowwhich of the four storm waves will be most affected by the planetary influences.
"Two thirds of the time I can succeed in rightly determining this difficultproblem, but the other third is what stands in the way of complete success. I knowwhere to look to find the key to this difficult part of the weather problem, and haveclearly indicated this to my readers. I expect to discover the key and then to avoiderrors."If I make one mistake out of ten forecasts a certain class of critics will ridiculemy work. Let them ridicule. I know that the system of electro-meteorology has theonly true basis, and that time, I hope a comparatively short time, will vindicate it."But readers of my work must not now expect infallible forecasts, for the systemis not yet perfect. They should also remember that my own time and money, aided byfifty daily newspapers, are working out this great problem without assistance from thegeneral government."


+ + +"I have often stated, and will repeat, that very severe storms will occur on thiscontinent during March. Western Europe has experienced the greatest storms of thecentury during the past six monthc [sic], and it is almost impossible for this countrynot to go through the same experience during the next six months."Even orthodox scientists have given warning of the great disturbances near athand, because of the great sun spots and other remarkable disturbances now apparenton the sun. Spots on the sun, they declare, cause an increase in the force of our earthstorms through the agency of the electrical forces."They also declare that the perihelion of Jupiter causes a maximum of sun spotsand an increase in the auroral displays. All this indicates that the men who have posedas the leaders in scientific research are being forced to acknowledge the influence ofthe planets on our earth, and that electricity is the medium."But in claiming that sunspots can cause auroras and other earth disturbances,and that the perihelia of the planets cause sunspots, these great scientists whollydisregard cause and effect — disregard all the laws of electricity and magnetism."Jupiter is now about forty millions of miles nearer the sun than it was six yearsago, and if we follow the laws of electricity, that would increase the electrical forces ofthe sun and earth, which in turn would increase the evaporation and cloudliness onthe sun, thereby preventing sunspots; therefore the perihelia of the planets cannot

46The Fort Worth [TX] Gazette, Feb. 18, 1892 (weekly edition), P. 1.
cause sunspots and the sunspots cannot cause earth disturbances."Sun spots must necessarily be of exactly the same nature as our highbarometers, and our cold waves, causing large areas of clear weather, correspondingto the large dark spots on the sun."The faculæ, or bright spots, on the sun are the same as our low barometerswhere we have densely cloudy weather. Whatever causes our storm centers, our highand low barometers, our cold waves, also cause the sun spots, and I assert withoutfear of contradiction, that it is the equinox of Jupiter and not his perihelion that causesthe increase of auroras and sun spots."On the night of February 13, when the great aurora lighted up the northernheavens — also the region of the south pole, no doubt, although we have no newsfrom that part of the earth — Jupiter was within two degrees of his equinox while hewas fourteen degrees from his perihelion, therefore the electric tension of the sun wasvery great and only needed an outlet in order to shock or electrify the whole solarsystem."The electrifying event occurred on the 13th, when Venus passed the earth'sequator and the earth passed the equator of Mars. Anyone who has studied the nature of electrical currents in connection with revolving globes will readily see the logic in these statements."But the difficulty in the way of orthodox scientists is that they still consider thesun as a burning body, instead of, as it really is, a body very much like the earth, with its seas, continents, mountains, valleys, clouds and storms, all affected by the verysame laws and in the same manner as are the various parts of our earth."Knowing of the approach of the equinoxes of Saturn and Jupiter, I gave warning nearly a year ago that 1892 would be a year of great storms all around the earth, and that these great disturbances would reach their maximum force in the fourmonths from March 1 to June 30."Since the great auroral display February 13, orthodox scientists are predictingthe same increase of disturbances that I did a year ago."Spots on the sun and storms all around the earth have been increasing for sixmonths past at least, and they will continue to increase for at least months to come.But both sun spots and earth storms are effects of the same cause. The planets and sun electrify each other just as revolving magnets in the electro-dynamo machine affect each other.

"The time appears to be rapidly approaching when the electrical theory of forcein the universe will take the places of the nebular and heat theories and electro-meteorology dethrone the chaotic world of chance ideas that have long ruled in theweather bureau of the United States."


+ + +"NATURE AND MOVEMENTS OF STORMS."Readers are so forgetful, that it is necessary to dwell on some of the mostimportant features of weather changes. Entirely too many readers, who are muchinterested in the weather, misunderstand what is meant when I specify the date onwhich a storm wave is due. Nothing but the tariff and silver discussions can be moregenerally misunderstood than the term 'storm wave,' and still there is no way for meto avoid using it. No other term will supply its place, and therefore, in order tounderstand my forecasts, the reader must understand what is meant by 'storm wave.'"It does not necessarily imply a storm, or rain, or snow, or hail, or wind, but itmay include all of these. It does, however, almost universally imply wind from theeast, warmer weather, wind changing to west and cooler, in rotation as stated. Thestorm wave may pass centrally over any point and still the weather remain clearthroughout, but the warm wave, change of wind and cool wave are sure toaccompany almost every such storm wave."If the storm wave passed by to the north, the wind will change from east byway of the south to the west, and the cool wave following it will not bring a very greatfall in the temperature. If the storm wave moves by to the south, the wind will changefrom east to west by way of the north, and a cold wave with low temperatures willfollow."When the conditions are favorable to rain, the low barometer of the storm wavefills up with clouds, except in its center, which is usually very warm and partly cloudyor clear."When I expect rain, snow, wind or a storm, I say so in plain terms, but whenonly the term storm wave is used, it does not portend any unusual event."The discovery of the period of these storm waves and the laws that governtheir movements, is the most important ever made in reference to meteorology, and

47The Fort Worth [TX] Gazette, March 3, 1892, p. 16.
gives promise of reliable, long-range forecasts, especially if the system should bedeveloped by government aid."The cause of these storm waves is somewhat of a mystery. My theory is thatthey are caused by a circuit of electricity rising in the low barometer and coming downin the high. The low being a column of rising air draws to it the clouds and moisturethat makes up the storm center."The storm center is the low barometer, which, with the high barometer, iscalled the storm wave. The high barometer pours cool air into the rear of the low andit is often the case that rain does not occur till the high barometer comes in and thesnow storms always occur after the main portion of the low has passed and as thehigh, with its cool wave, comes in."My forecasts are for the front part of the storm wave, which often causes norain, but it may be known by the rising temperature. Herein is where the weatherbureau ought to be useful. I can give the dates of the storm waves, but cannot alwaystell, so far ahead, whether the precipitation will occur in front, rear, north side orsouth side of the low or storm center. Knowing where the storm center is, and theconditions surrounding it, the weather bureau ought to make few mistakes, but itmakes many, and its forecasts are of no use to farmers, coal dealers, small dealers inproducts, etc."These storm waves are strung around the earth in these northern latitudes likea string of beads, and their movements cause them to jostle up against each other like[railroad] cars when the engine suddenly puts on brakes or makes a sudden start.These jostlings of the storm waves against each other cause them to lose or gain asmuch as a days' time, and therefore I do not pretend to forecast their time nearer thantwenty-four hours."When these storm waves are driven north by the influences of the moon or theplanets, we have excessively hot weather and drouth, and when, for a period ofseveral weeks, they are driven south by the same influences, we have cool seasons aswe had in May, June and July, 1891."Cold winters occur when the paths of the storms are south, as will be the casenext January. Warm winters surely follow when the storm paths are far to the north."These storm waves do not move in perfect circles around the geographicalnorth pole, but around the magnetic north pole, which is about 70 degrees north and97 west, or 20 degrees south of the geographical north pole, and northwest ofHudson's bay. There is another magnetic pole in Northern Asia, around which the

storms of that continent probably make a semi-circle."Many of our storm waves cross Europe and Asia, but some of them appear topass between the two north magnetic poles. The tropical hurricanes appear to movealmost directly toward the geographical north pole of the earth."In order that they may better understand by forecasts, I hope that readers willtry to retain the above explanations, and not confound the widely differing terms,storm and storm wave."


+ + +"Professor Frank H. Bigelow, of the National Weather Bureau, has published animportant paper in a leading astronomical journal


. He has been, for several years,one of the weather bureau's scientific experts, and his conclusions are very importantto meteorology. He says: 'The observed facts pertaining to solar physics, to terrestrialmagnetism and to meteorology have been such to render it very probable that thesethree distinct branches of science are in reality parts of one general cosmical science.'"That is precisely the theory for which planetary meteorologists have beencontending. Professor Bigelow was selected by the Weather Bureau to investigate thisvery question, and from the senseless opposition of the Weather Bureau officialstoward independent planetary meteorologists, I infer that Professor Bigelow wasexpected to annihilate the theory that moon and planets have anything to do with ourweather changes, but Professor Bigelow says that the magnetic forces of the sun andearth are closely related to our weather changes and auroral displays."Professor Bigelow writes to convince scientists, showing no care for otherintelligent classes of people, therefore his language is hard and needs interpretation.Men whose salaries are paid by the government should be compelled to write in theAmerican language, of which our American newspapers are the classics. OurAmerican newspapers use the pure American language, furnish the channel throughwhich American intelligence is reached, and therefore one who fills a public capacityat the expense of the people, should give his discoveries to the public in ournewspaper language."I quote again from the same paper: 'The periodic occurrences of manifestationsof energy in sun spots, the solar corona, the faculae and prominences, on one hand;the aurora, variations of the terrestrial magnetic field, and the fluctuations of the

48The Fort Worth [TX] Gazette, March 17, 1892.


"The Two Magnetic Fields Surrounding the Sun," Astronomy and Astrophysics, October 1893, Vol.XII, No. 3, p. 706 ff.

meteorological elements on the other, have all indicated a fundamental system ofphysical forces embracing the sun and earth in its operation.'"All this means to say that sun spots, earth storms, electrical forces and auroras,have magnetism as their common cause. He never mentions heat as a common cause,and therein he radically differs with Professor Finley,


who sustains the WeatherBureau theory that heat is the cause of weather changes."Bigelow again says: 'If the sun has a nucleus in which can reside a species ofpermanent magnetism having poles of direction and intensity, such as are found uponthe earth, it must also be surrounded by wide, sweeping lines of magnetic force,distributed in space.'"He then goes on to show that these magnetic lines enter the earth diagonallythrough the northern hemisphere, and leave the earth in diagonal lines through thesouthern hemisphere. This theory was promulgated by Professor Siemens, the greatelectrician,


and now by the most critical tests made with the best electricalinstruments, Professor Bigelow has found the theory to be a true one."He has found more. The instruments show that periodically the magneticcurrents change, now entering the earth through the northern hemisphere, andleaving it through the southern, and then in regular periodic changes, agreeing closelywith our weather changes, the currents enter through the southern hemisphere, andleave the earth through the northern hemisphere. Professor Bigelow makes the periodof the principal one of these changes 26.68 days. Professor Veeder


gives the period as27.28 days, and my principal storm disturbance period is 27.28 days."Professor Veeder's auroral period is so nearly the same as my storm period,that they may safely be considered the same, and from the same cause, but ProfessorBigelow's period appears to be a little short."Professor Bigelow holds that these periods are caused by the sun's rotation.Professor Veeder claims that the aurora depends on the same cause. Both are eminentscientists, but their periods do not agree. At the end of twelve months they would beeight to ten days apart, and that variation must destroy one or the other, if both relyon the same cause."Dr. Veeder is correct in his 27.28 days period, but probably he is in error as to

50Sgt. John Park Finley of the United States Army Signal Service, which managed the United StatesWeather Bureau.51Ernst Werner von Siemens, founder of the Siemens electronics company in Germany.

52Major Albert Veeder, M.D.
meteorological elements on the other, have all indicated a fundamental system ofphysical forces embracing the sun and earth in its operation.'"All this means to say that sun spots, earth storms, electrical forces and auroras,have magnetism as their common cause. He never mentions heat as a common cause,and therein he radically differs with Professor Finley,


who sustains the WeatherBureau theory that heat is the cause of weather changes."Bigelow again says: 'If the sun has a nucleus in which can reside a species ofpermanent magnetism having poles of direction and intensity, such as are found uponthe earth, it must also be surrounded by wide, sweeping lines of magnetic force,distributed in space.'"He then goes on to show that these magnetic lines enter the earth diagonallythrough the northern hemisphere, and leave the earth in diagonal lines through thesouthern hemisphere. This theory was promulgated by Professor Siemens, the greatelectrician,


and now by the most critical tests made with the best electricalinstruments, Professor Bigelow has found the theory to be a true one."He has found more. The instruments show that periodically the magneticcurrents change, now entering the earth through the northern hemisphere, andleaving it through the southern, and then in regular periodic changes, agreeing closelywith our weather changes, the currents enter through the southern hemisphere, andleave the earth through the northern hemisphere. Professor Bigelow makes the periodof the principal one of these changes 26.68 days. Professor Veeder


gives the period as27.28 days, and my principal storm disturbance period is 27.28 days."Professor Veeder's auroral period is so nearly the same as my storm period,that they may safely be considered the same, and from the same cause, but ProfessorBigelow's period appears to be a little short."Professor Bigelow holds that these periods are caused by the sun's rotation.Professor Veeder claims that the aurora depends on the same cause. Both are eminent scientists, but their periods do not agree. At the end of twelve months they would beeight to ten days apart, and that variation must destroy one or the other, if both relyon the same cause."Dr. Veeder is correct in his 27.28 days period, but probably he is in error as to

50Sgt. John Park Finley of the United States Army Signal Service, which managed the United StatesWeather Bureau.51Ernst Werner von Siemens, founder of the Siemens electronics company in Germany.

52Major Albert Veeder, M.D.

ok, you get the point. W.T. Foster had a lot to say. here is the link:

there is a lot more to go! whew!

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