Monday, April 14, 2014

Office of the County Superintendent of Schools, Gettysburg, S. DAK.

June 12 1928
Dear Friends:
At last the work of grading and averaging the papers in the seventh and eighth grade final examinations is finished, and we are ready to make returns to you. Most of you will be well pleased over the returns, some will be not quite so well pleased, and a very few will be disappointed. No one should feel discouraged and give up, however, as failure is no disgrace; it is only disgraceful if one refuses to make any effort to come back after a failure.
Of the one hundred nineteen who wrote the finals in the eighth grade, one hundred nine will receive diplomas. Of the remaining ten, there may be a few who could earn their diplomas by taking a second examination in August, as in a few cases the general average was almost high enough to enable them to pass, but they fell below the required minimum in one or two subjects. I would be glad to hear from those who care to write again, so that we could make arrangements to that effect at once. No examination will be given unless there is a demand for it, and I must have your written request for it before the 1st of July.
Of the one hundred seventh graders who wrote, ninety will receive their certificates of promotion now, and a few of the remaining ten will receive their certificates just as soon as they have removed the conditions on which they were passed to the eighth grade. These conditions will be explained to the respective pupils in a personal letter with the returns of the examination.
We will begin to need thinking of the graduation exercises for the eighth grade now. The exact date has not been decided upon at this time, but it will be within the next two or three weeks. In the meantime we should chose a class motto, class colors, and a class flower. In order to do this to the satisfaction of all, I will ask that you write me at once, giving your choice in each of these, using the suggestions below as guides. Your preferences will be carefully tabulate and the suggestions receiving the majority of votes will be chosen.
No special instructions as to dress will be given, but simplicity and economy should govern your tastes, rather than extravagance and showiness. Graduation time is not a time for dress parade but rather a time for sober thought of our future and what we are to do with it. In selecting what you should wear at this time, let us be governed by good taste as to our appearance, but not by a selfish desire to "outshine" the other graduates.
Notices of time and place of graduation exercises will be sent with a program, just as soon as we hear from enough of you to complete the selection of motto, colors, and a class flower.
With best wishes and kind regards to you all, I am
Very sincerely yours,
(signed) John A Hembd

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