Thursday, May 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Lisa's facebook post:
Happy 70th birthday to Janet Axsom from three non morning people!! In honor of your 70th here are 70+ comments about you.
Artist. Let's face it... the "I quit!!!" in grease pencil on the wall of the milk parlor was a work of ART! Great cook. Best potato soup, homemade noodles, fried potatoes, and cherry delight EVER!!! #1-4... artist, good cook, great mom, and amazing lady. #5- 11... awesome grandmother, piano/keyboard player, beautiful singer, milk maid, farm wife, cat lover. #14 - Mowing rooms in the yard for us girls to play in. Past jobs and organizations are #15 - 22. Frost Top, Wright Memorial Hospital, stay at home mom, small business owner, Mt.Olive Friendship Club, Sweet Adelines, Community Choir, and Princeton Chamber of Commerce. #23 - 36 are her family. Married 50 years to Bernard. 4 kids (Deb, me, Brenda, & John). 9 grandkids (Koren, KJ, Rachelle, Sarah, Max, Katie, Logan, David Seth, and Brent). #37 - sister to Charlene and Kay. Collector of many things. #38 - books. #39 clocks - Mom has over 20 clocks in her livingroom. Some work and some don't. All show different times. #40 - mirrors. #41 - Giver of strange names to animals. We had a dog named Warthog and a milk cow named Skyhook. #42 - 44. Lover of Godzilla, tremors, and Dark Shadows. #45 - The person who introduced me to God. Lots of fond memories of going to church at Half Rock with mom! #46 - hard working. #47 - selflessly sacrificed for her kids, wearing hideous "old people clothes" while us girls had "cool clothes". School age memories. #45 - Trentonette. #46 - liked drag racing. #47 - walked home from school for lunch. #48 - played baseball with neighbor kids in the street. Crafty. #49 - Made a huge God's eye crochet thing that was on the front porch for years. #50 - made gorgeous plastic flowers. #51 - sewed my older sister's wedding dress. #52 - swinky dinks. #53 - loves jig-saw puzzles. #54 - Got married less than a month after graduated high school. #55 - Had us girls all about 2 years apart, with the oldest born after about a year if marriage. #55 - Had John when us girls were 11-15 years old. #56 - 65. Had huge gardens when I was young. Stubborn. Widow. Loves auctions. Elementary room mother. Caregiver to both her parents in their last months. Colorful friends. Supportive. Wants to visit the deep south. Scared of heights. #66 - Network of informants when I was in college (she knew way more of what I was up to then I ever knew at the time). #67 - learned to use a comouter in her 60s. #68 - given us way too many scares with her health issues. #69 - taught me a comfortable home is more important than having a showroom perfect house. Lisa Axsom Butler #70 - last, but not least, she is my much beloved mom! Happiest of birthdays to you!! she did a good job!
my contribution:
Let them eat cake. Marie Antoinette Happy Birthday, Mom!
Happy birthday to my dear grandma! I love you so much and I hope your day is great!

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