Sunday, February 25, 2018

Axsom Family Group

Cathy Lynn Axsom Crawford My memories of grandma Daisy are what inspire me to be the best grand mother to my grand daughter. It was almost 60 years ago when I was on her farm, getting to milk cows, exploring cornfields, bringing in fresh eggs, etc. She stayed with us often and we went to San Jose to visit Alfred and Pauline many times. Sweet memories.
Sherrie Johnson: I miss your grandfather and grandmother. They where good people. Really miss her chicken noodle soup. 😂
Diane Rilling Cook: That's a great memory I have of Aunt Pauline, her chicken noodle soup. Also, the card games they taught us, including "crap on your neighbor"
John Axsom: Bernard was the hardest working guy I ever knew.
John and Daisey Axsom with Nona, Vi, and Anna, and Alfred

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