Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

"Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of spring-time; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor..." General John Logan, General Order No. 11, May 5, 1868

many years ago when Katie was small we started decorating 'baby' graves at Brimson. in the beginning it was fresh flowers from the yard, but now we have a collection of stuffed animals & fake flowers. we added a couple of flags for my great uncle Dale & great great grandpa JC Maxwell, who served in WWII & the Civil War, respectively. and flowers for great (great great!) grandmas. and a flower for poor Amanda Shirley, my great grandparents neighbor who was murdered in her own house in broad daylight & as far as I can figure from newspaper accounts, the murder was never solved. that was in 1911. I also decorate JC Maxwell's second wife Harriett Hughes HArrisons grave, and those of her children, who arent' really related...

so, I'll post pictures of this years decorating...Katie requested not to be in the pics this year. I took along a notebook to write down inscriptions that I could read, etc. the kids & I spent several summers traveling to our local cemeteries & chalking & photographing gravestones...not sure I can find these notes now, though...and some of the stones at Cat Creek are just so old and unreadable now.

We always decorate at Springer Chapel & Cat Creek Cemeteries on Hwy CC East by Brimson.

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