The End of A Streetcar Era Here
after 62 years of streetcar operation, all service will be furnished by trolley and gas busses.
Last Trolley Rattles Over Rails Monday
Streetcar Days End After 62 Years
Rite Saturday for O.F. Owens
Clifford Addison Rites Were Held Sunday
Bowlerama schedule
We Wonder?
Grandmother, on a winters day, milked the cows, slopped the hogs, saddled the mule and got the children off to school, did a washing, mopped the floors, washed the windows and did some chores, cooked a dish of homegrown fruit, pressed her husbands Sunday suit, swept the parlor, made the beds, baked a dozen loaves of bread, split some firewood and lugged it in, enough to fill the kitchen bin, cleaned the lamps and put in oil, stewed some apples she thought might spoil, churned the butter, baked a cake, then exclaimed, "For goodness sakes, the calves have got out of the pen!", and went out and chased them in again, gathered the eggs and closed the stable, went back to the house and set the table, cooked a supper that was delicious and afterwards washed up all the dishes, fed the cat and sprinkled the clothes, mended a basketful of hose, then opened the organ and began to play "When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day."
Tough Times
The Kansas City Star printed what it called an authentic recipe for doing laundry in the 1880s.
It has the original spelling, is entitled "Formula fer Washin Cloes," and says: "Bild a fire in back yard to heet kittle of rain water...Set tubs so as smoke won't blow in yer eyes if wind is pert...Shave one hole cake soap from lye in bilin water....
Sort things out, make three piles-a pile of whites, pile of cullords and pile of britches and rags...Stur flour in cold water to smoth, thin down with biling water...Rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, then bile again in hot water, just rench and starch...Take white things out of kittle with broom stick handle, rench again, blew and starch again.
Spread tee towels on grass...Hang old rags on fence posts...Pore rench water on flower beds...Scrub porch with het soap water...Turn tubs upside down and scour bottoms...Go put on cleen dress, smoth hair with side combs, brew cup of tee, set and rest and rock a spell...Count blessins!"
Dorothy Broyles Is Polio Patient
858th person hospitalized with polio in Des Moines since June 30
County authorities said Sunday they found many inconsistencies in their investigation of the shooting of Kenneth Lutz, 30, Des Moines patrolman.
Patricia Newman, 40, a police telephone operator was released from county jail Sunday afternoon after being held as a witness.
She told authorities that Lutz shot himself Saturday night in the bedroom of her home at Eighty-fifth street and Franklin avenue. She said she and Lutz were married.
Disguised Thief Grabs Purse, $95
A theif disguised with heavy black crayon marks on his face-grabbed a 41-year-old woman's purse late Saturday night while she and her 12-year-old son were standing in the doorway of the family grocery store.
The woman and her husband, Mr and Mrs Herman Glazer, 1219 Fifth ave., operate Glazer's Food MArket at 1226 University ave.
Mrs. Glazer said the man, "made up like Halloween", ran toward her and snatched the purse containing $95 in store receipts.
At the Rice Tavern, 1208 University ave., burglars removed a glass from a door to gain entrance, then took about $50 in change from a drawer.
Mr and Mrs Hubert W Berndt who were married March 17.
Girls Attackers Case Is Closed
Becomes Father 13th Time at 93
2 Headed Baby Home From Hospital hand dated Jan 19 1954
Three Litters
Troy NY-A sow here had three litters in one week-28 offspring in all.
Where Beardsley Met Death
A Formal Portrait of Gov William S Beardsley
Mrs. Beardsley Unable To Attend Funeral
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