Saturday, November 6, 2010

George W Teas Rites Tuesday

newspaper clipping amanda shafer scrapbook

Services for George William Teas, jr., 45 of 4034 Fifty-first st. who died Saturday of injuries suffered in an automobille accident, will be at 10:30a.m. Tuesday at McLaren's Funeral Home. Burial will be in Resthaven Cemetery.
Mr Teas' car skidded on ice in the 3900 block of Douglas avenue, struck a utility pole, adn then was struck by another car. Police said he apparently did not see a car in front of him making a left turn in time and his car skidded when he applied the brakes. He died in Broadlawns Polk County Hospital four hours after the accident.
Mr Teas was born in Des Moines and was a lifelong resident.
He was a night watchman at the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co Clive plant.
Surviving are his father, George William Teas, sr. of Des Moines, two brothers Kenneth R of West Des Moines, and Joe F of DesMoines, and a sister, Mrs KAthryn Shafer of Des Moines.

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