newspaper clipping amanda shafer scrapbook
Francie Millard Lafollete, oldest son of Robert and Amanda (Craig) Lafollette, was born near Cainsville, Mo June 6 1870 and passed away at the home of his son Milton LAfollette in Cainsville Sept10 1955 at age 85 years, three months, and four days.
He was married to Lillie G. Still Oct 10 1895 and to this union were born seven children, four daughters and three sons. He was preceded in death by his wife and two daughters Mildred Lucile Lafollette and MrsLional Sneathen. surviving are three sons Milton and Norvill Lafollette of Cainsville, Schuyler Lafollette of Ridgeway, two daughters Mrs Ruth Cordle of Albany, Ore., and Mrs Rancis Motz, Caldwell,Idaho; also three sisters and three brothers Mrs Cora Gray, Leon,Ia., Mrs Florence McVay Cainville, Mrs Eva Moore, Eagleville, Orville Lafollette, Lincoln, Nebr., Garrel Lafollette, Eagleville, Bob Lafollette, Ridgeway, 29 grandchildren, several great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Since the death of his companion he has resided in the homes of his children.
He was a member of the Cainsville Methodist Church and has attended services as long as his health permitted. He was an active member of Cainsville I.O.O.F. lodge for many years.
His journey toward the western horizon of life was made pleasurable by the companionship of his children and grandchildren.
Another friend has passed through the open gate.
The Open Gate
There's an open gate at the end of the road
Through which each must go alone.
And there is a light we cannot see-
Our Father claims his own.
Beyond the gate our loved ones
Find happiness and rest,
And there is comfort in the thought
That a loving God knows best.
Funeral services were held Monday Sept. 12 at 2p.m. at the Cainsville Methodist church conducted by the Rev Cleo Colville, assisted by the Rev. Glenn Willson. Music was furnished by Mrs Helen Bauer and Mrs Oral Hrdlicka, with Mrs Gloria Phillips accompanist.
Grandsons who served as pallbearers were Marvin Phillips, Warren Hickman, Hoe Sneathen, Theo Sneathen, John Darnell, and Wayne Vaughn.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank every one for their kindness, sympathy, flowers, food, cards, and acts of thoughtfulness during the illness and death of our father-the Children and Grandchildren of Millard Lafollette.
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