Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rearing Children

Jan 8 1861 Baton Rouge LA "Daily Advocate" The following rules for rearing children deserve the attention of every man and woman: I. Children should not go to school until six years old. II. Should not learn at home during that time more than the alphabet, religious training excepted. III. Should be fed with plain, substantial food, at regular intervals of not less than four hours. IV. Should not be allowed to eat anything within two hours of bedtime. V. Should have nothing for supper but a single cup of warm drink, such as very weak tea of some kind, or cambric ta, or warm milk and water, with one slice of cold bread and butter--nothing else. VI. Should sleep in seperate beds, on hair mattresses, without caps, feet first well warmed by the fire or rubbed with the hands until perfectly dry, extra covering on the lower limbs but little on the body. VII. Should be compelled to be out of doors for the greater part of the daylight from after breakfast until half an hour before sundown--unless in damp, raw weather, when they should not be allowed to go outside the door. VIII. Never limit a healthy child as to sleeping or eating, except at supper but compel regularity as to both. It is of great importance. IX. Never compel a child to sit still, nor interfere wtih its enjoyment, as long as it is not actually injurious to person or property or against good moralls. X. Never threaten a child. It is cruel, unjust, and dangerous. What you have to do, do it and be done with it. XI. Never speak harshly or angrily, but mildly, kindly, and when really needed, firmly- no more. XII. By all means arrange it so that the last words between you and your children at bedtime, especially the younger ones, shall be words of unmisxed lovingness and affection.


Astrid said...


I found your blog when googling for Francis K Doze. I am looking for more information about a May Doze, Francis K Doze's daughter who lived in Alberta, CA. Would you happen to know anything about her and her descendants by any chance?


Astrid said...

Actually, I just did some more research and the May Doze I'm looking for is not Francis' daughter.


John Claude Doze - Mary Barbe Doze > Son: Peter Doze - Elizabeth Mott Doze > Son: Isaac Doze - May ? Doze.

I believe Isaac and May moved to Alberta, Canada and had a daughter named Lilian Violet Doze.

Hope you will be able to give me some pointers!! Thanks.