aunt minerva collection unknown newspaper clipping..all typos are mine....
Wednesday February 4, 1953
Social and Personal
Mr and Mrs J.W. Orton of Rural Rosialia will have been married 50 years on February 14 and on February 15, they will celebrate the important milestone in their lives with an open house at their home between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Relatives and friends of the couple are cordially invited to call and join with this estimable couple in celebrating their golden anniversary. Their home is located three miles north of Pontiac on highway 54.
Miss Emily Phyllis Higdon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Phillip Higdon of Taggart, Mo, became the bridge of J.W. Orton, son of Mr and MRs J.B. Orton of Gilman City, MO.. at the home of the bride's parents on Valentine day 50 years ago. The couple made their home at various places in Missouri where Mr Orton engaged in several different occupations. In 1919, they moved to Potwin where Mr Orton followed the barber trade until he and his family moved in 1930 to their farm, formerly known as the Boellner farm, where they have lived sinced.
Two sons were born to the couple. They are Frank of Route Four, El Dorado, and Hobar., whose farm adjoins that of the one on which his parents live. The couple has seven grandchildren. They are Norma Jean, Martha, June, and John Francis, children of MR and Mrs John ORton and PAtty Lou, Phyllis Elaine, Virginia Lee and Janice Lorraine, daughters of the Hobart Orton's.
Mrs ORton has three sisters living in Missouri, and a brother, whose home is in Avant, Okla. It has not yet been learned whether any of these will be able to attend the celebration.
The couple enjoyed good health until within the past few months, when Mr Orton became indisposed though he is still able to be up and about his home the greater share of the time.
The many friends this esteemed couple have made in this community will welcome the opportunity to visit them on the occasion of their golden anniversary and extend congratulations and good wishes.
note: Emily Higdon Orton was the sister of my great grandmother Gilly Higdon Maxwell.
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