aunt minerva collection unknown newspaper clipping...all typos are mine...
Tuesday ebruary 17 1953
Social and Personal
Mr and Mrs J.W. Orton celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home at Ruaral Rosalia Sunday afternoon and many relatives and friends were present to join with the couple on this important day in their lives.
The table was covered with a white linen cloth that had belonged to Mrs Ortons sisters who is now deceased by the mother of the two women as a wedding gift. A three-tiered wedding cake was topped with white sugar roses and decorated with gold leaves. The layers were on stilts to allow for decorations on each of the layers and on the topmost one was a white wedding bell. Yellow burning tapers were in double branched holders on either side. Martha June Orton presided at the coffee service and Patty Lou Orton served the tea. Individual cake squares were topped with the numerals "50" in gold. Norma Jean Orton presided at the guest book which was a gift to the Ortons by their son and his wife, Mr and Mrs Hobart Orton. More than 250 guests called during the time of the reception to offer congratulations adn good wishes and the couple received many messages, gifts and flowers attesting to their popularity with their many friends. Messages from Gov. Ed ARn and Ed Rees were among those received.
Mrs Orton wore for the party Navy crepe with black accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds, presented by her son and his wife, Mr and Mrs Frank Orton.
Mrs Tom Maxwell of Trenton, Mo.; Mr Hobart Higdon, Avant, Okla; and MRs N.A. Stanley of Cainsville, Mo attended the wedding of the Ortons and were also present for the golden wedding celebration. They are sisters and brother of MRs. Orton. Mr Maxwell and MRs Higdon were also present.
Other out of town guests who attended the event were Mr. Vermil Brown, Trenton, MO.; Mr and MRs J.O. Brasfield and Howard and MR and MRs L.A. Ramsey and Bob, Strong City; Mr and Mrs Bill Paddfield, Mr and MRs L.C. Buffum, Mrs Clara Walker and MRs Minerva Andrews, Wichita,; Mr and Mrs Geroge Mitchell, Reece; Mr Jay Brooks, Mrs Lora Blankenship and Miss Joaann Brooks, Eureka; Mrs Anna Fulton, Garnett; Mr and Mrs Herman Padfield, Rose.
Other guests were REv and Mrs Blyde Mosher and sons, Potwin; Messers. and Mesdames L.S. Jacdson, sr., L.S. Jackson, fr., Bert Young, Gloria and Glennisl T.M. Merril; James Hampton; Ray Serivner; A.J. Cousins; Emmet Brown; Walter Bell; Glick Scribner; John Cherryholmes; Harold Brenner; Harry Kyer; G.D. Mosier; J.J. Kipers; Fred Flesher: Earl Banks; Leonard Silvers; Troy Bunyard; Frank Malone; Foster Boyce and MArgaret; Carl Lucas; R.F. Cour; Mac Burnham; Charles Siegrist; C.R.Johnson; F.M. Brown; L.H. Gray; W.L.Biggs; Glenn Hanes; J.C. Patton; Roy McNeal; Francis Sowers and family; Tom Marshall; Howard Scrivner & family; Kenneth Arnall; Clarence King; Joe Borger; C.W. Morrison; Roy Whitmore; HArry Moster and family; Chester Scribner & family; Lloyd Lanier; Bert Noble; Jimmy Jackson and family; Clarence Hunn, Bobby & MArgie; George Myers; Floyd Traylor; Earl Marshall; J.C. Huff & Jimmy; Austin Phillips and children; Everett Clifford; Mart Arnall; Ed Noland and family; Lewis Sprecher and Leslie; Floyd (can't read, too faded) & Jane; Raymond Banks and Diana And Susan; Victor Boellner; Clarence Graham; Forrest Scribner; Clifford Braman, J.C., Cinda, and Raymond; Guy Hammer; Harold Ferking; J.B. Biggs; Murray McCormick; Harold Manka; Morgan Hollenbeck; Ivan Marshall; Bob Buffum, Roy and MAry; Glen Kimball; Hobart Orton & family; Frank Orton & Family; Messrs. George Wisley, Joe Jackson, Don MArshall, Dick Koza, Grover Phillips, V.L. Doornbos (probably the name I couldn't read above for Floyd & Jane! I could see Doo--bos); R.L. Biggs; Mesdames Henry Creswell, Lou Buffum, Ruth Carter, and Hank and Connie Carter; Effie PArrish; Mae Cour; Theresa Haynes; Etta Murphy; Earl Burnham; H.E. Liggett; Sadie Poffinbarger; Mary Whiteside; Edith Liggett; H.C. Hunn; V.C. McCall; Wlater Grist and Cathie; Charles Osborn and Toni; Dill Marshall; Mildred McLaughlin; Lou Johnson and Miss Vesta Fern MArshall.
note: Mrs. Tom Maxwell was of course, my great grandma Gilly. Mr. Vermil Brown was my grandpa Vermal.
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