aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster
This historical novel was written by Sir Walter Besant who has been knighted by the English government in recognition of his great learning and noted ability as an author. He was author of more than fifty volumes all of which are published in London. He was born at Portsmouth, England knighted in 1895, wrote Dorothy Forster in 1896 and died in 1904. Dorothy Forster died, 1739 and therefore this historical novel was written 157 years after the death of its heroine. The name was formerly Forrester, then Forester, then Forster, now Foster.
The purpose of the novel was to give a true history of the Jacobite rebellion in England, particularly the part taken in it by Sir Thomas Forster, the head general of the uprising, and incidentally a general, tho not extensive history of the Forsters of that time. I have studied those histories from other sources and can say that this novel agrees with all the most important facts. The heros and heroines of this work were real people and their correct names are given. The place mentioned are true to the real facts. The historical statements about Sir Thomas Forster, as given in that novel are correct with possibly one exception.
The histories of the Foresters are recorded at Bamboro castle for 515 years and at Etherstone castle for 649 years and of course Sir Walter Basant had (they spelled his name different here-deb)access to those records, but evidently the exesses in strong drinks, as common sense would teach anyone, were not recorded there and therefore Basant guessed at the drunkenness. I have carefully read Lord McCaulley's history of those times and he says that while the Saxons of England and Germans of Germany were noted for excesses in strong drinks, the Norman-French, our ancestors were fond of finely flavored wines that do not have so much intoxicating qualities. Those who read this book could not accept all that Besant says about drunkenness. It was no dishonor to get drunk at that time. Everybody drank soft wines or stronger drinks but everybody did not make beasts of themselves. Besant lived in London and that great city was noted for excessive drinking about two hundred years ago. But the Forsters lived away northward, where there were no cities.
Dorothy Forster and general Tom Forster are called our cousins, but they were very distant relatives. Our ancestors came down thru Bamboro castle, beginning 1096. Our ancestors were the same as theirs for 130 years-1066 to 1196. AT the later date Sir John Forster became governor of Bamboro while the ancestors of Tom and Dorothy continued to hold Etherstone for more than 500 years, till 1709 when a half interest passed to this Tom Forster of Etherstone and a half interest to Tom's and Dorothy's aunt Dorothy, daughter of Sir William Forester, governor of Bamboro. The aunt married Lord Crewe, a Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church and one of the richest men in England.
None of these were our ancestors. The Sir William Forester, mentioned above, was not our ancestors but his ancestor Thomas and his Son John were. THat John went to the Highlands of Scotland, his descendants being Presbyterians went to Ulster, Ireland and the descendants to York county, Pennsylvania. Of these latter were three brothers, Thomas, John, and Alexander. This last one was my great-great-grand-father, all of them came from Ulster and settled in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania between 1700 and 1730.
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