Friday, March 9, 2012

I had this book, Dorothy Forster, imported from London

aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster cont.

after I had written the genealogical history of the Foster family and I find no conflict between its statements and mine, therefore it confirms as true many of the statements I have made.
I do not very much admire the Dorothy Forster narrative. In a historical way it is valuable. But I see no good sense in General Tom Forster and Dorothy going into that rebellion. He and she were Protestants and they went in with Catholics to overthrow a Protestant King. The Jacobites was a Catholic secret order, something like the Knights of Columbus, and Tom was a very active member of it, helped to organize the rebellion while he was a member of the English House of Lords-the Senate of Parliment. I never read of any other Foster making such a mistake and I am glad he was only a cousin, thirty-six degrees away. It is 700 years back to where Etherstone and Bamboro Forsters join and then 500 years back from there to Tom Forster, making a line of 1200 years and there are about three generations in a hundred years.
But Dorothy Forster and her aunt Dorothy were noble women and among the most beautiful. Dorothy did save Tom from being be-headed. Besant's story is true and well worth reading. The Forsters had been prominent too long. It was time for them to fade ot anad recouperate. Dorothy's grand-father, the last Sir William, showed signs of decay and weakness. The family had been vastly prominent for a thousand years adn had accomplished enough to take a rest. Nations and families rise and fall. Those with good blood rise again and those with bad blood go out to rise no more. All animal life is made up of microscopic cells that are persistent. The blood of some persons will not mix with the blood of others. In taking the blood from one person to strengthen another they must be sure to have the same kind of magnetization or they will not mix. I believe the Foster family will again produce prominent men and women.
The family produced a large number of prominent men and women in America, among whom have been many great lawyers and statesmen, many Congressmen,several members of the cabinets of Presidents of the United States, one of whom was a close relative. One Foster was President of the United States for one day.
I hope whoever of my friends reads Dorothy Forster will first read this paper.
(signed) W.T.Foster

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