aunt Minerva collection
The Oxus valley lies east of the Caspian sea and is about 1200 miles long. When the Oxus emptied into the Caspian sea, as it did in prehistoric times, its valley was 1700 miles in length. The Syr, or Sihon river, 1500 miles long, then emptied into the Oxus. Syr river means river of rivers. That ancient river system was somewhat similar to that which drains the great central valleys of the United States. Four great tributaries, the Arkansas, the Ohio, the Missouri, and the upper Mississippi rivers combine to drain the great central valleys. The Oxus and the Syr, each having two great tributaries, combine to drain what I believe was the traditional Eden, the Paradise of the Aryans. It is a depressed valley, 2,000 miles long and 1250 wide, making two and half million square miles and is almost surrounded by mountain ranges from 8000 to 15,000 feet high. It was surely a walled park, as the description of Eden requires, but is now a walled desert. All indications are that, before the desert came, Eden or Paradise, would have sustained a hundred millions of people. Now it has only five millions and they are not descendants of the Aryans. The four rivers of Genesis, mentioned in the excavated tablets, are there, the walled park is there, the evidences that everything existed there, very anciently, to make it a real garden spot.
Some scholars have claimed that a little rich spot in the upper Euphrates valley answers the description of the real Garden of Eden. Many places might be found that would fit the Hebrew Eden. But geology certainly proves that anciently the oceans around Asia had a much more elevated level than now and indicate that the Persian gulf then covered all the great valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Nineva may have been founded before the Persian gulf receded below that old city. That idea would aid Bible students to untangle the Bible story about Jonah and the whale. The Persian gulf certainly covered that valley far above the Nineva site and if Nineva was there at that time there might have been a whale there also. But I am of the opinion that the whale and Jonah story came from the Aryans of Eden and relates to some great event on their immense inland sea. They placed the fish, or whale story in their chart of the skies before Abraham was born. The very anceint Japanese and Egyptians have the same story but give other names in the place of Jonah. The Persians and Greeks have the same fish story with heroes of their own in place of Jonah. Evidently they all got the fish story from the prehistoric Aryans.
Scientists should be able to find the origin of that whale and Jonah tradition.
Two causes operated to drive the Aryans out of the high lands of Asia. Being an agricultural people they cut the timber, even from the surrounding mountains, which lessened the steady flow of their streams and lessened the rainfall. With a decreasing rainfall and an increasing population they were compelled to swarm like bees, and the west was their only hope. The other cause was the lowering of ocean levels around Asia. The mountain levels are above the rain cloud levels now and copious rains can not get past those levels. We have a similar experience. the Rocky mountains are now above the common level of the rain clouds, and the lows are often unable to carry moisture over the Rockies. Therefore they would be another Eden.
After the Persian gulf had receded the middle tribes of the Aryans, the grey-eyed, darker skinned, dark brown haired people, could pass west between Mount Arrarat and the Caucassian mountains. History tells us that was their route. Many of them continued westward, crossing Helespong where Constantinople now stands and organized the Greek empire except the Balkan states. LAter large migrations of Asiatics, whom I believe to have been the Edenites, passing westward, turned to the right before reaching Mt. Arrarat and entered Europe by crossing the Caucassian Mountains. The Bulgar and Serb tribes organized Roumania, Bulgaria and Servia while the Wend tribe moved to the Baltic sea and organized a great nation, covering 270,000 square miles, 900 miles along the Baltic coasts and 300 miles southward. They conquered the Jutes and the remnant of the Cimbri in Denmark. They were the grey-eyed Slavs and became the Vikings, The Sea Kings, the Normans of Denmark who conquered northern continental Europe. They were the tallest and largest people of history, being from six to seven feet and weighing 170 to 300 pounds. The Angles joined with them in conquering northern Europe. They were blue-eyed, very fair, with flaxen hair. To a small extent the Wends mixed with them.
Our ancestor, Anacher, was a Wend. The Wends and Angles of Anacher's army and Navy became the Norman-French of Flanders. The Wends also got control of Norway and Rolf, a Noble of Norway, was a Wend. He took an army and a Navy to northern France, conquered a large part of it and organized Normandy. The descendants of Rolf's army and navy constituted another branch of the Norman-French. They were very much the same people as the Flanders Norman-French, the latter having mixed with the Angles and the former with the Scandinavian Saxons. Before the Norman-French conquered England in 1066 the English race was a mixture of old Celts who were conquered by and mixed with the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, and Wends. That was the English race about 800 A.D., when Anacher and his Norman-French Wends conquered northern Europe and organized Flanders.
About 800 A.D. the King of Denmark became oppressive, exacting unusually high taxes from the Nobels and their subjects. The population had become too dense and the spirit of emigration rapidly increased. The conditions among all those people were such that a united sentiment of emigration pervaded the whole, particularly of those who did not own large landed estates. The middle classes are always the best, physically and mentally, and that was the class which wanted to seek new homes further west. See the Foster Escutcheon illustrations herein illustrating Eden, crossing the Caucassian mountains, the Viking ships used in their navy, etc.
to be cont.
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