aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster, cont.
In the efforts to trace a family we finally become lost by reaching a time in the misty past where all history, legend and tradition fail and we can then only exercise good judgment by reasoning from analogy and evolution, guided by well known characteristics of individuals, families, tribes, family names, and language. The most ancient evidences about our race are found in the fossils of human bonds and the kind of animal bones found with them. These tell us about hos long ago our ancestors lived. Scientists believe that the remains of our ancestors have been found in southern Asia, particularly in Java, a great island on the western borders of the East Indies. They estimate that these remains were deposited about 250,000 years ago. But, of course, that was not the beginning of the human race. Those fossils indicate that great physical improvements have occurred in Man since that time but they give no evidence that our race is in any way related to any of the lower animals. Nature is persistent in holding to original types, in producing its own kind. There are many varieties of the Man race and these varieties mix with each other but no case has been, in any way, related to any lower animal race. In 1885 I heard Henry Ward Beecher, one of the world's greatest scholars, orator and divines, deliver a lecture in which he said:-"The human race has been, on earth, no one knows how long, but at least 500,000 years." He also said:-"The Bible gives an account of God's dealings with one branch of the human race, the Hebrews."
Next stage of reliable evidence to our ancestors is found in the oldest written language that has been discovered, the Sanscript. That language was so old that history gives no account of its origin. The Hebrew Bible was compiled soon after the Babylonian captivity but that Bible does not mention the Sanscrit language. Very far back the people of Persia used the Sanscrit as is now known by the finding of buried stone tablets, engraved in letters of the wedge shape, called Cuneifrom writing. But many years and great labor and study were required before modern scholars could translate that written language. The Hebrew race, which we call Jews, on account of their religion, were twice in captivity. In 720 B.C. the Median army captured the Jews and carried them into Media which was occupied by descendants of the Aryans. in 588 B.C They were conquered again by the Babylonians and driven like a herd of sheep, into a long captivity. While captives in those Semi-Sryan countries they learned about the histories and traditions of their conquerors and soon after they returend to Palestine, about 500 B.C. they became prosperous; then, not before, they began to compile the data now contained in the Hebrew records, including the Median and Persian and Babylonian traditions about our ancestors which they had learned while in captivity. But now the world has an older and better records than the Hebrew and as the two records agree, in a general way, it is evident that the Hebrews copied from the Babylonian record, changing the records so as to make them appear to be of HEbrew origin. But the Babylonina,s Medes and Persians had drifted away from the Sanscrit language in the times of the Hebrew captivities and had formed new languages of their own, altho the Medes and Persians were descendants of the Aryans. The Babylonian accounts of Eden and the Flood are believed to be more accurate than the Hebrew account and the latter is being corrected by the former.
This dead Sanscrit language is the mother tongue of all the white race languages. This is known because ever language spoken by the white races contains manywords that were used in the old Sanscrit language. By that means our great scholars trace the migrations of our ancestors and say that all the white races of Europe and America are descendants of the Aryan race that lived in prehistoric times, in the high lands of Asia. No trace of the old Aryan language has been found except as it has come down to modern races thru the Sanscrit and as the sanscrit originated in prehistoric times we are left to imagine how immensely old were the Aryan language and its people, who lived in what is now Turkestan, Siberia and Tibet.
The University of Pennsylvania, several years ago, sent a number of learned men to Assyria to excabate in the ruins of that very old country. At Nippur they found a very great library of 20,000 volumes, supposed to be 4,000 years old and recording traditions that rach back 9915 years. That library is now being translated at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania. It has an account of Eden and a great Flood. These records are on burnt tiling or terra-cotta-thin brick. At other places in that ancient country, tablets of engraved stone are being excavated giving accounts of the Flood, Eden, and many other traditions. That library is much older and probably more correct than the Hebrew Bible. The Bible claims that Abraham left Chaldea 2,000 years ago b.C. and moved to Canaan. The Nippur Library was written betwen 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. The tablets nwo being excavated say the King of Akkad lying north of Shinar of the Bible and north of Ur, where Abraham was born, ruled over the Accadians 1800 years before Abraham was born. Great scholars say that Sargon came from Media and that his ancestors were Aryans. The Nippur library says that the Flood occurred 35,000 years B.C. and that is was the man who ate the fruit of the cassia tree, the forbidden fruit, which shortened life. The story about Eve and the serpent is not in the original. The Babylonian Tablets on buried stone say that Eden was eastward of the Euphrates valley and describe it as a garden or walled park.
Evidently two great races met in the valley of the Euphrates-Tigris, 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, at which time the Semites, or yellow people to which the Hebrew belonged, evidently had their center of civilization on the Nile where much further back they builded the Egyptian Pyramids. Very many and strong evidence exist that the Egyptians came from South America, landed in Africa not far from the equator and then gradually moved down the Nile. The same kind of Pyramids are found in South America, and on the west coast of Africa and in Egypt, the present lower Nile country. Our great scholars can not now determine which was the oldest civilization, the Aryans in the high lands of Asia or the Egyptians on the Nile. To my mind the two races lived at the same time.
Other authorities claim that before the change of the earth's axis, yellow raaces lived near the equator of that time, on the Atlantic continent, a great ridge in the nort Atlantic, now covered by water, and extending from Newfoundland to northwestern Africa. At that time it is claimed tht the ocean levels were higher around Asia and lower around Europe and western Africa; that there was then no Mediterranean sea; that the river Nile then flowed thru what is now the middle of the Mediterranean and out into the Atlantic near the Rock of Gibralter; that the Atlantians, being a very old and wise people, left Atlantis and proceded up the Nile into Egypt before the eearth's axis changed. The great Roman historian, Pliny, nearly 2,000 years ago, said the continent of Atlantis, west of Europe, disappeared during the night, but did not say how long ago. Each of these claims support a theory that the Semitic race came from the west, thru Africa adn from there moved eastward and met the Aryans from the east in Babylonia.
Humbloldt, the great German scientist and traveler, declares that in prehistoric times the Caspian and Black seas and the Aral lake were united into one ogreat inland sea and therefore the early westward migrations of the northern highland Asiatic tribes were along a route north of that great inland sea. That would account for the Scandinavin blue eyed people immigrations. They settled at a very early prehstoric day, around the great Baltic sea and Gulf of Bothnia. They were the earliest inhabitants of Europe after the sea level changed and uncovered that continent. THe color of the eyes is the very best evidence as to race and the language is next best, then stature and physical form. The blue eyed people, including the "Saxon Blue Eye" is one of three great groups of the white race. The blue eyed, flaxen haired, white skinned, tall, large and intellectually strong people were produced by ages on ages of residence in the cold and healthful climate of the higlands of northern Asia, northeast of the Caspian sea and east of the Ural mountains, now called Siberia.
That was before the last change of the earth's axis and the ocean level was much higher around Asia than now. The top of the cloud level is now below much of those high lands and the Caspian sea is slowly drying out, its level now being 250 feet below the Black sea level whereas in ancient times they were on the same level and connected. Western Europe was then more above sea level than now, and the Atlantis continent was above sea level and inhabited. Mt. Ararat had not been thrown up and the Gulf connected with the Caspian sea as the Mediteranean is now connected with the Black sea and the Dardanells.
The Slavic race includes the Scandinavians who occupy Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The Slavs also include the Wends, and many other European tribes. The Tentons are the Germans and include the Saxons and many other tribes. The Celts were the earliest Aryan tribes to occupy Europe.
About 3400 years ago the Aryan races were broken up by great drouth in the high land of Asia and some of the remnants migrated to India, Persia, Media, Assyria, Afganistan, Baluchistan and Greece. Those that conquered northern India became the Indoos, and developed that ancient Caucasian civilization. They probably were grey eyed people then, as they had lived long in the southern parts of the Aryan country, but their 3400 years residence on the south side of the great Himalayan mountains has changed them to a very dark complexion, black hair and black eyes. But those descenants of the Aryans in northern India are still counted as Caucassians. When they migrated to India they used the Sancrit language but gradually changed to a new language.
The most refined, intellectual, perfect, mentally and physically, the Earth has produced were the Eden Aryans. They lived in the middle latitudes from 25 to 50 degrees north and from 52 to 82 east longitude. They were a grey eyed people and reached the highest civilization of prehistoric times. They charted the skies, named the stars and star cluster, arranged the Zodiac as now understood, were the first astronomers and gave the planets their present names, regarding them as Gods, believing to bet the rules of vegetable life and that thru their influences both vegetable and animal life originated and are sustained on the earth. Whatever they knew about these matters has been lost but may, probably will, be rediscovered. They worshipped nature including the Sun, Moon, and Planets and had learned many of the influences that the heavenly bodies have on the Earth, man, vegetation, and the lower animals. All that knowledge was lost during what is known as the Dark Ages between the years 1 and 1500 A.D., during which time all the scientist of that cult were killed by the adherents of the new philosophy. Since A.D. 1500 our race has been slowly recovering that lost knowledge and the Slavonic, Teutonic, Norman-Frence and Germans have been the active leaders. I deny that the Egyptians developed astronomy. Their knowledge of that science was taken to Egypt by the Sheppard Kings about 2,000 B.C. The Sheppard Kings were aryans not Tartars.
Eden was the prehistoric home of the grey eyed Aryans, and I believe the story of Eden as recorded in the great Nippur Libraray and the prehistoric writings on stone to be more reliable than any other. They say that Eden was eastward and therefore it could not have been in the valley of the Euphrates. It must have been east of Assyria and therefore east of the Caspain sea. As I see it, Nippur library and the many other engravings, on themost endurable stone, that have been unearthed in Assyria, Babylonia, Messopotamia and Persia give the most reasonable and acceptable account of that great and universal cataclysm, known as the Flood and of that almost universal tradition about the ancient Eden. The Nippur library and those engraved tablets are older than the Hebrew race. The Persians, Hindoos, Arabians, Egyptians, Armenians, Japanese, Chinese, Turks, Europeans, Hebrews, Hawaiians, all have the traditions of the Flood but the traditions of Eden came from the Aryans and were changed and copied by the Hebrews. Scholars are gradually correcting the errors on those subjects.
Eden is one subject, the Garden of Eden an entirely different thing. As I see it Eden and the prehistoric home of the central, grey eyed, Asiatic Aryans were the same while the Garden of Eden story is entirely of Hebrew authorship. I do not claim that our ancestors, the Edinites inhabited the Garden of Eden but a state called Eden. The Hebrew Garden of Eden, probably based on the Babylonian history and traditions of the real Eden, was evidently fitted to Hebrew thought. Our great scholars declare that the home of the ancient Aryans was eastward, in the highlands of Asia and particularly in the valley of the Oxus and the River of Rivers (The Syr.) Hundreds of words, such as horse, cow, ox, plow are traced back to those Aryans, who inhabited the highlands of Asia north and west of China. One hundred millions of Aryans in prehistoric times would be a small estimate. But the ancient Eden was comparatively a small part. The word Paradise, which means a walled park, also means a walled garden. Garden, at that time meant about the same as farm does now. Aryan race means plowmen, farmers, agriculturists.
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