Friday, March 9, 2012

No. 15:-Colden, the well known American author, under the heading "Good Blood", says:-

aunt minerva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster cont.


"Descent from the great and good is a high honor and privilige. He that lives worthily of it is deserving of the highest esttem; he that does not, of the deeper disgrace."
No.16:-Thomas and William Flint, father and son, arrives at Salem Mass., direct from England, in 1640. The son's children were Joseph, John, Abigail, and Ann. One of the sons married a Bryant. The Bryants lived at Plymouth. These Flints were the ancestors of the Harrison County Flints. The name was originally Flyat. The name Larkin is derived from the song bird. John Flint was a soldier in the AMerican Revolution and ancestor of Reverend George Flint, father of Thomas Flint.
No.17:-Nathaniel Terry was an officer in the American Revolution, credited to Virginia. He was an ancestor of the Missouri Terrys.
The name Terry came from the Sanscrit, developed from the word tar and was applied to the family among the Franks of Flanders not long after Anacher, the Danish Noble, conquered that country. Evidently the name came from Thor, the God of the ancient Aryans. Tsar or zar comes from the same word. It was Thor, Theorry, Therry and after they came to England it became Terry. Theodore is from the same origin. Clovis, King of the Franks named his son Therry and the Terrys are descendants form Therry. Thor was the the God of thunder.
No.18:-The Flint, Terry, and Selby families have the same coat of arms. The chevron and ox horn are the same as in the Fosters. The lion holding the fleur de lys is for honors in the French wars, defending the Huguenots. The star and the crescent-new moon-and the Saracen portrait are for great honors in the Crusade wars. The lion and English flag are for honors in the Orangemen wars to defend the Protestant religion. The winged heart indicates a messenger, a place of high honor in the state and army departments.

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