Wednesday, March 14, 2012


aunt minerva collection
unknown undated newspaper clipping

At the residence of Mr and Mrs Philip Higdon in Fox Creek township, on last Saturday at noon, occureed the marriage of their daughter Emily P. to J. Wesley Orton, of this city, Eld. J.H. Stark, pastor of the Christian church officiating. The guests, relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties had arrived by eleven o'clock and at 12 o'clock the solemn and impressive ceremony which bound the young couple for life was performed, Bro. Stark concluding with an earnest prayer for the future happiness and welfare of the ones he had just united. After teh congratulations and best wishes of all present had been given a bountiful dinner of good things were served which was pleasing to the eye and a satisfaction to the inner man.
Mr. Orton is a son of Mrs. O.J. Hanna, of this city. He has been a resident of this place for more than three years and has at all times conducted himself before the people as an excellent moral young man, with no bad habits and a good christian character. He has been held in high esteem for these qualities since he came to our city.
The bride, eldest daughter of Philip Higdon, was born and raised in this county. She is a young lady of model habits and character and well worthy of the young man who is now her husband. She has been for the past two years teacher of her home school school in a near by district.
The REPUBLICAN joins in a welcome to this young lady to our city and in hearty congratulations and well wishes to the happy young couple for their future happiness and prosperity.

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