Friday, March 9, 2012

Samuel Foster

aunt minverva collection
The Foster Family by W.T. Foster cont.

When William reached KEntucky in 1873 his olest son, Samuel, was about 17, John 15, the daughter 13, and Thomas, my grand-father, 11. The daughter married Thomas Gilbert. There are now living about 1000 descendants of great-grand-father William Foster. Samuel Foster, his oldest son, was born near Muddy Creek, York county, Pennsylvania probably about 1766. He married Mary Mayhall Veach of Welch ancestors. She was born in York county, Pennsylvania. They moved to Harrison County Kentucky in 1783. The records of Harrison county, Kentucky show that Samuel owned 500 acres of land in that county in 1794. They had fourteen children. After his wife died, Samuel moved to white river, near Crawfordsville, Indiana where he purchased a farm. He died there about 1844. One of Samuels children was Ivins Foster who was born near Cynthiana, Harrison county,Kentucky Nov. 23 1794. Ivins married Margaret McKee who was born near Cynthiana Jan. 24 1796. Her father was William McKee and her mother was Rebecca Ivins McKEe, all of Scotch-Irish ancestors and the McKees were natives of Augusta county, Va. Ivins and MArgaret were married in Harrison county, Kentucky Feb 26 1819 and lived near Cynthiana, later near Lexington, Kentucky, and still later near Warsaw, Gallatin county, Ky. Ivins was a gun-smith by trade. Theymoved to Curren township, Sanagamon county, Ill. seventy miles southwest of Springfield, in the fall of 1829. Ivins entered extensive tracts of prairie land, endured the hardships and reaped the benefits. He died Jan 4 1866 and Margaret April 19 1880. There were born unto them eight children as follows: David, Mary Jane, Joel Sanford, Rebecca Ann, Samuel Louis, John Wesley, James Thomas, MArtha Elizabeth.

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