Saturday, December 15, 2012

I took my laundry in town & then went to the show G.I. Joe which is about Ernie Pyle covering the war in Europe..

postmarked Albuquerque N. Mex. July 19 7 PM 1945
from Cpl. Lawrence D. Brown to Miss Minerva Maxwell, Brimson Missouri
Thursday afternoon
July 19, 1945
Dear Minerva
I sure have been a lazy boy since I came back in fact all I wantto do is sleep. Yesterday was my day off & I had several thing planned but didn't get much done.
I took my laundry in town & then went to the show G.I. Joe which is about Ernie Pyle covering the war in Europe. It was really a good show & I think very true to life. Part of the story was sad & there was some humorous positive it too. If some of these civilians see it maybe they will realize what some of the boys has to go through with & the condition under which they live. I have had it easy compared to some of the boys but I have worked many a day out in rain or snow.
While I was in town I looked at some rings in the store windows & it looked like to me they have just about anything a person wants & at any price a person wants to pay. I believe that this is just as good a place to buy them as Trenton in fact they have 3 times the number of stores as in Trenton. I will just let things ride till you get here & choose what you want & I believe you will be more satisfied.
I checked up on the allotment deal & it was just like I told you. It won't effect the folks allotment at all the only thing they will take $5.00 more out of my pay & send you %50.00 per month. I will have $5000.00 insurance made out to you & that will cost me $3.50 so instead of drawing $40.00 per month like I do now I will only get $32.00. If any more money is taken out of my pay I sure won't draw much but in the long run I think we can save more.
You & Fern talk it over & decide when you can come out & then write & let me know. I am working from 4:30p.m. till midnight for this week & next then I go on the grave yard for two week from 12:ooA.M. to 8:AM. I think the best way for you to come out here is by train. The RockIsland will be the best to come on but I will write you more because there is a few more thin I want to find out about the schedule so will write more about this in the next letter.
I didn't half to stand the parade after all because my name was on the list but some of the fellows didn't show up so the 1st Sgt. came through the barracks looking for more men so I seem him before he got to ours so I went out the back door in a run.
I sure have felt a lot better after this last trip than I did when I came back the first time. My stomach has been in a lot better shape & I have been able to eat good. The food in the mess hall has been pretty good to.
Another B-29 crashed last Sat. & killed 13 men one officer is still alive but in a serious condition. The plane crashed just 2 or 3 miles from the field.
This about all the news for now so will close.
All My Love

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