Saturday, January 19, 2013

I have been in the kitchen all this week all I do is run the dish washing machine that did take about to hours after every meal but dont now as the have sent most of the men out that was here.

from John Maxwell to Minerva Maxwell 1004 Rural St Trenton MO postmarked Dec 16 1941 Fort Leavenworth Kans.
Dec 14, 1941
Dear Sis
how are you and the car getting along. Have you run any stopsigns yet When you get ready to stop driving it have some one to take the battery off of it. I have been in the kitchen all this week all I do is run the dish washing machine that did take about to hours after every meal but dont now as the have sent most of the men out that was here. They may send me out this week but if they don't may come home Sat. nite.
The Sargeant said if I would walk fire guard last nite he would see that I got a pass but don't get them until four in the afternoon. The mess Sargeant to me to take charge of the dish washer and not let know body else run it for it is expence machinery all I do is see that they get the dish clean and wash and shine it after using it. Tell Alice that she will have to send a cigar and candy. I have not been to any shows been here. You have to sign a lot of papers to go the post you can tell Grace and Vermal that there young one has got one uncle that is try to make a good soldier but have not got on the hang of it yet. I have not drilled but two day yet.
and don't look like I will any more here as I work from 5:30 in the morning until 7:00 o'clock at nite we get plenty to eat here. They was 72 boy it my barracks but took them all out but 5. 800 went out last thr and friday. Well start writing again I have been on guard again Just got off plan on o to the show. They just informed me that I am a cook can you beat that.
That cook job is a hold over may last for 21 day. So if it is I may be here until after Christmas.
Well I had be close as well are getting ready to go.
Love John
Pvt. John Maxwell

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