Monday, October 27, 2014

sometimes Aunt Mary will include letters she's received from others....this one is from Aunt Dona. Aunt Dona is a character!

Our minister is ailing so had another preach Sunday....he sure gives a good sermon. Sunday was about taking Gods name in vain. So I in turn thought about the little boy that accused the minister of swearing. After services I told him the story and he just threw his head back &
I think this word is bellered....but it could be hollered....
this darn pen just don't want to work! Guess cause its black ink ha!
we had quite a storm last night. high winds up to 80mph. Art came to see if I had any damage here. All he could find was the owl I had on the ramp railing was broken. The birds crapped on the ramp & railing and were just covered. I have to use the rail to get up and down the ramp and I couldn't find a clean spot to hang onto. The owl sure did help that. Art & Janies had damage, mainly the skirting.
found some memories....this birth might give it to Debbie, think she's the history one. Golly, it brought so many memories to me and I can't get them out of my mind. .....found the ad of our sale when we left Cainsville and moved to Reeds Spring. I found a picture of Rick batting in Little League.
I wish they'd get some decent shows for TV like we used to have. Like The Waltons, I Love Lucy, etc. I really don't like sitcoms. Some are so stupid and some are pure sex & vulgar. So many swear words in them. It's no wonder the kids pick up all the kind of talk.
Randy has a beautiful garden. The best tomatoes I've tasted in years. He canned pickled beets, Dill pickles, bread & butter pickles. Frozen green beans, peas, and corn. The Fareway store had a meat sale....freezer just about full....variety of stuff to eat.
I have a cleaning lady she comes every other week. you can't do much when you have to depend on a walker to stand. I do manage to keep my laundry and dishes done. Thank God for the dishwasher. I'd never be able to stand long enough to wash dishes. She's Latino and I can't hardly understand anything she says. She goes to my church. Her mom is from Mexico and doesn't speak English. She was wither one day & Angelina introduced her but she spoke in their language. She (her mom) held the door open for me to come back in the house and I said Gracious (that's only thing I know.) Her mom was elated.

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