aunt minerva collection
this is a bad copy with a huge black streak running down one side...and writing appears to run right off the side of the paper.... tiny handwriting, will do the best I can to transcribe.
Taxewell on the north side of the maiden spring fork of Clinch River (black mark) all of the Winepeth, bounded as followeth, Viz, Begining
at a dogwood and white oak
(black mark) in hand paiddings (?) on the north bank of the maiden spring fork a corner to (black mark) wherof is here made in the name of Henry Williams,and with a line thereof (black mark) said Mary and 162 poles, to a sower wood, thence with a line of James Sloan's South(black mark ) being in the 45 poles to two black oaks, and a maple N.80W 92 poles to a locust (black mark) containing ridge and on Boyd's line, and with the same 40 E 110 poles to a (black mark) 55 acres when and sowerwoods, then leaving the same S 50 W 32 poles thence 30 E 50 poles87 E 70 poles to the (black mark)being willed to with its appartanances to have and to hold the said tract or (black line) the white of land with its appartenances to the said John Brooks, and his heirs (black mark)to game(?) the This said Richard Brooks and Peggy his wife, have hereunto
(black mark) to two white and affixed their seals the day and year above written Richard Brooks (seal) Peggy Brooks (seal)
Tazewell County We William Barnes and William Thompson Justice of (black mark) with county aforesaid in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that (black mark) Brooks and Peggy his wife a party to a certain deed, bearing date (black mark) twenty fifth day of April 1822 and hereto annexed personally (black mark)before us, in our County aforesaid ackknowledged the same to be their (black mark) and desired to certify the said acknowledgement with Clerk of this County (black mark) of Tazewell, in order that said deed be recorded. Given under (Black mark) and seals this 26day of April 1822. (signed) William Barnes (signed) William Thompson
In Tazewell County Court 28 May 1822 This deed of Bargain and sale from Richard Brooks (black mark) his wife to John Brooks was exhibited in Courtwhile together with (black mark) certified thereto annexed is order to be Recorded. Teste, J.F. Fishbaugh(?)
This Indenture made this twenty eighth day of May (Black Mark) of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two between (black mark) and Margaret his wife, Herny Marrs and Elizabeth, his wife, (black mark) and Nancy his wife, John Maxwell Junior and Jane his wife of (black mark) and Mary Maxwell and Maxwell Campbell of the other (black mark)all of the county of Tazewell and Commonwealth of Virginia Witnepeth
ok, at this point, I admit defeat. this appears to be land sale documents, will just record the names I find. can't tell if the front and back go together...probably just making a mess of it anyways....deb
that for and in consideration of them of the sum of one dollar to them (black mark)in hand paid by the said Mary Maxwell and Maxwell Campbell the receipt whereof is being acknowledged, do give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Mary and Campbell Maxwell a certain tract or parecel of land lying and being in the county of Tazewell.....which was patented to James Maxwell the 27th day of October 1801 for705 acres....willed to the said Mary & Campbell Maxwell ...ok. I have to include some of these descriptions.....White oak...steep hill...nw corner of John Crocketts land....Cavits of a ridge...chestnut...a sugar and elm tree on the north side of a steep spur...a small cucumber...Cove Creek....service tree.....two white oaks in the gap of a ridge....two white oaks on the top of a flat spur...ironwood of rocks....the north side of the sandy the side of said ridge near the top...near Bells line...the top of a high ridge...two sour woods...John Maxwell Jun. signed and sealed by David Whtley, can't read, Hearry Marrs, Elezabeth Marrs, Paul Whitley, Nancy Whitley, John Maxwell, Jane Maxwell< in Tazewell County 28May1822. this also had the wives privately interviewed as the law directs relinquished their rights of Dower therein
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