Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lije Dailey

Lije Dailey was a good man. He worked hard and he played hard. Family was absolutely everything. He raised a family with Juanita. Became a Grandpa with Dixie. and spent his final years with his third wife. He had a big voice and a big heart. He tried to right wrongs and mend fences. He raised cows, sheep, goats, dogs, horses, chickens, and even had a couple of llamas, wild Mustangs, and a donkey. Alfalfa hay, corn, beans, and a huge garden. He sold Pioneer Seed. He got excited about projects. Terraces, ponds, timed AI. He fished. He danced. and he loved his kids and grand kids and great grandkids. You saw him at basketball games, FFA Banquets, and graduations. Good Morning, Lije. You were one of a kind.

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